
South Korean politics

Amid Legal Troubles, Lee Jae-myung Tightens Grip on South Korea’s Opposition Party

Amid Legal Troubles, Lee Jae-myung Tightens Grip on South Korea’s Opposition Party

By Eunwoo Lee
South Korean politics is becoming messier as the proxy war between Lee and President Yoon continues.

South Korea’s Nastiest Presidential Election

South Korea’s Nastiest Presidential Election

By Hyung-A Kim
In an election where both candidates are fighting scandals and a lack of public trust, South Koreans face a difficult choice.
South Korea’s Weakening Consensus on Unification

South Korea’s Weakening Consensus on Unification

By Dylan Stent
Support for unification has been weakening for a while. Will changing attitudes be reflected in the next presidential administration?

Moon’s Prosecutor Pick Puts Reform Efforts Back in the Spotlight

Moon’s Prosecutor Pick Puts Reform Efforts Back in the Spotlight

By Jenna Gibson
Kim Oh-soo, the nominee for prosecutor general, is a strong supporter of President Moon's controversial prosecution reform plan.

South Korea’s Political Pendulum Swings Again

South Korea’s Political Pendulum Swings Again

By Youngmi Kim
The “old boys” are back after April 7 by-elections in Seoul and Busan.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Has the Time Come to Amend South Korea’s Constitution?

Has the Time Come to Amend South Korea’s Constitution?

By Erik Mobrand
The challenge of constitutional reform is big, but that does not preclude major change in the public order under Moon.

South Korea’s Imperfect But Maturing Democracy

South Korea’s Imperfect But Maturing Democracy

By John Lee
South Korea’s democracy continues to grow and evolve.
Moon Jae-in Holds His North Korea Bet

Moon Jae-in Holds His North Korea Bet

By Ankit Panda
As he heads into the last two years of his term, Moon Jae-in looks to continue his North Korea policy.

South Korea Goes to the Polls Despite COVID–19 Pandemic

South Korea Goes to the Polls Despite COVID–19 Pandemic

By Bruce Klingner
The election results will set the tone of South Korea’s domestic and foreign policies for the next two years.

Protesters Storm National Assembly, Capping off a Divisive Year for Korean Politics

Protesters Storm National Assembly, Capping off a Divisive Year for Korean Politics

By Jenna Gibson
Korea's conservative parties continue to up the ante in their opposition to Moon administration policies.

South Korea’s Cho Kuk Saga Ends

South Korea’s Cho Kuk Saga Ends

By Jenna Gibson
Justice Minister Cho Kuk stepped down after months of controversy and weeks of protests.
South Korea Divided Over Nomination of Controversial Justice Minister

South Korea Divided Over Nomination of Controversial Justice Minister

By Tae-jun Kang
The polarization from Cho Kuk's nomination threatens to hang over Korean politics for a while.

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