
sovereign wealth funds

Philippines ‘Suspends’ Its Sovereign Investment Fund

Philippines ‘Suspends’ Its Sovereign Investment Fund

By Mong Palatino
It is highly unusual for a government to cancel such a high-priority project. What prompted its decision?

Philippines’ Investment Fund Bill Draws Criticism

Philippines’ Investment Fund Bill Draws Criticism

By Mong Palatino
A group of prominent economists claims that the Maharlika Investment Fund will draw much-needed cash away from other parts of government.
What Did the INA, Indonesia’s Sovereign Wealth Fund, Do in 2022?

What Did the INA, Indonesia’s Sovereign Wealth Fund, Do in 2022?

By James Guild
In seeding its state-owned fund with capital, Jakarta is hoping to target investments in strategic sectors.

Philippine Congress Approves Sovereign Wealth Fund Bill

Philippine Congress Approves Sovereign Wealth Fund Bill

By Mong Palatino
The planned Maharlika Investment Fund has attracted controversy, with critics claiming that it is unnecessary and is open to abuse.

Why Does the Philippines Want a Sovereign Wealth Fund?

Why Does the Philippines Want a Sovereign Wealth Fund?

By James Guild
Such funds are usually set up in smallish commodity exporting nations that run large current account surpluses. The Philippines is neither of these.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Indonesia’s Sovereign Request Fund

Indonesia’s Sovereign Request Fund

By James Guild
Indonesia's ambitious plans for a sovereign wealth fund have raised more questions than they have answered.

How Sovereign Investment Funds – Including China’s – Are Reshaping the Global Economy

How Sovereign Investment Funds – Including China’s – Are Reshaping the Global Economy

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Winston Ma, author of “The Hunt for Unicorns.”
Why the Philippines Needs to Establish a Sovereign Wealth Fund

Why the Philippines Needs to Establish a Sovereign Wealth Fund

By Mark Manantan, Emerson M. Sanchez and Jayson S. Lamchek
The country needs to ensure that its bounty of offshore wealth benefits the people, not just a privileged elite.

Sovereign Wealth Funds: State as Stakeholder

Sovereign Wealth Funds: State as Stakeholder

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Odette Lienau.

How Does Kazakhstan Plan to Pay for the Olympics?

How Does Kazakhstan Plan to Pay for the Olympics?

By Catherine Putz
Astana says there's plenty of (oil) money in the bank.

Chinese Direct and Financial Outbound Investment

Chinese Direct and Financial Outbound Investment

By Sara Hsu
China is becoming an increasingly large and sophisticated investor abroad.
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