
Sputnik V

Sputnik Over Delhi: Production of Russian Vaccine Kicks Off in India

Sputnik Over Delhi: Production of Russian Vaccine Kicks Off in India

By Krzysztof Iwanek
India’s COVID-19 vaccine production reflects its critical global position. The country is manufacturing its own, plus European, American, and Russian, vaccines.

The Forgotten Vaccine: Russia’s Sputnik V in Thailand and Southeast Asia

The Forgotten Vaccine: Russia’s Sputnik V in Thailand and Southeast Asia

By Tita Sanglee
Despite all the hype and promises, Russia's Sputnik V vaccine has made few inroads in Southeast Asia.
Vaccinations Progress Slowly in Central Asia

Vaccinations Progress Slowly in Central Asia

By Catherine Putz
For myriad reasons, vaccination programs in Central Asia are proceeding slowly. Hesitancy is one factor.

How Mongolia Made the Most of Vaccine Diplomacy

How Mongolia Made the Most of Vaccine Diplomacy

By Bolor Lkhaajav
Mongolia has received vaccines not only from neighbors China and Russia, but from India and COVAX as well.

Russia Turns to China to Make Sputnik Shots to Meet Demand

Russia Turns to China to Make Sputnik Shots to Meet Demand

By Huizhong Wu and Daria Litvinova
While pledging hundreds of millions of doses, Russia has only delivered a fraction. It’s turning to Chinese companies to help pick up the pace.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

China and Russia: Vaccine Competitors or Partners?

China and Russia: Vaccine Competitors or Partners?

By Elizabeth Wishnick
Despite cooperating on some aspects, China and Russia are also directly competing for the same vaccine markets - and the national prestige that comes with it.

Great Power Competition and the COVID-19 Vaccine Race

Great Power Competition and the COVID-19 Vaccine Race

By Danil Bochkov
China, Russia, and the U.S. are all using vaccines as diplomatic tools, giving a political dimension to other countries’ medical choices.
Uzbekistan Hedging Vaccine Bets with Russian Purchase

Uzbekistan Hedging Vaccine Bets with Russian Purchase

By Umida Hashimova
Uzbekistan launches trials of a Chinese vaccine, but purchases Russian vaccine.

Kazakhstan Settles Deal With Russia for Vaccine Supply

Kazakhstan Settles Deal With Russia for Vaccine Supply

By Catherine Putz
Russia's vaccine has not completed critically important phase III trials, but Kazakhstan has made a deal for access if Sputnik V proves effective.

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