
Sri Lankan civil war

The Murugappans: Sri Lanka Asylum Seeker Case Illustrates Absurdities of Australian System

The Murugappans: Sri Lanka Asylum Seeker Case Illustrates Absurdities of Australian System

By Grant Wyeth
For almost a decade, the Murugappans have been tossed around by Australia’s harsh immigration system.

Sri Lanka’s Landmine Legacy

Sri Lanka’s Landmine Legacy

By Nicholas Muller
Significant progress has been made, but deep scars remain.
Sri Lanka’s Rajapaksas Are Back in Power

Sri Lanka’s Rajapaksas Are Back in Power

By Sudha Ramachandran
Gotabaya Rajapaksa, a former defense secretary in his brother Mahinda's government, promises a strong hand as he takes over the presidency.

Sri Lanka Still Hunting for Its ‘Disappeared’

Sri Lanka Still Hunting for Its ‘Disappeared’

By Meenakshi Ganguly
A culture of impunity – especially for “war heroes” – persists in Sri Lanka.

Putting Sri Lanka’s Office of Missing Persons in Perspective

Putting Sri Lanka’s Office of Missing Persons in Perspective

By Taylor Dibbert
Operationalizing Sri Lanka’s Office of Missing Persons isn’t necessarily that significant.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Looking at Systemic Torture in Sri Lanka

Looking at Systemic Torture in Sri Lanka

By Taylor Dibbert
The Diplomat’s Taylor Dibbert speaks with Frances Harrison of the International Truth and Justice Project.  

The Cancer Within Sri Lanka’s Military

The Cancer Within Sri Lanka’s Military

By Taylor Dibbert
Sri Lanka’s security sector is in serious need of reform.
Understanding Sri Lanka, Two Years After Sirisena Defeated Rajapaksa

Understanding Sri Lanka, Two Years After Sirisena Defeated Rajapaksa

By Ankit Panda
Taylor Dibbert and Ankit Panda discuss Sri Lanka's domestic politics and foreign policy.

When Travel Writing Becomes Propaganda: Sri Lanka Edition

When Travel Writing Becomes Propaganda: Sri Lanka Edition

By Taylor Dibbert
A recent travel piece on the war-torn nation misses the mark badly.

Sri Lanka: Is Transitional Justice in Trouble?

Sri Lanka: Is Transitional Justice in Trouble?

By Taylor Dibbert
For Sri Lanka’s transitional justice process, the coming months are crucial.

More Worries Over Sri Lanka’s Transitional Justice Process

More Worries Over Sri Lanka’s Transitional Justice Process

By Taylor Dibbert
Will Colombo finally get serious about healing the wounds of war?
Sri Lanka Will Create an Office of Missing Persons

Sri Lanka Will Create an Office of Missing Persons

By Taylor Dibbert
Ostensibly, Colombo takes a step forward, yet plenty remains to be done.

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