
Steve Bannon

Self-exiled Chinese Billionaire Guo Wengui Convicted of Fraud in US Court

Self-exiled Chinese Billionaire Guo Wengui Convicted of Fraud in US Court

By Larry Neumeister
Guo won fame for his criticism of the CCP and links to prominent U.S. conservatives. Now he’s been convicted of a massive multiyear racketeering operation.

Does a New Book on the China Threat Preview a Second Trump Presidency?

Does a New Book on the China Threat Preview a Second Trump Presidency?

By Francis P. Sempa
A new book by James Fanell and Bradley Thayer, with a foreword by Steve Bannon, could foreshadow how Trump administration “super hawks” would approach China policy.
The Case of Guo Wengui: How Anti-China ‘Fake News’ Thrives in the West

The Case of Guo Wengui: How Anti-China ‘Fake News’ Thrives in the West

By Juan Alberto Ruiz Casado
Unscrupulous individuals who frame themselves as persecuted dissidents can easily deceive a media environment poised to believe any negative story about China.

The US Scare Campaign Against China

The US Scare Campaign Against China

By David Skidmore
The political calculations behind exaggerating the “present danger” – from the Cold War to today.

Why Asia Should Be Wary of Bannon's Remarks

Why Asia Should Be Wary of Bannon's Remarks

By Charlotte Gao
In his latest visit to Tokyo, Stephen Bannon praised Abe’s nationalist policy and censured China.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

The Consequences of America’s Unrestrained Foreign Policy

The Consequences of America’s Unrestrained Foreign Policy

By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
The United States may learn some realism as a result of dealing with a new world order.

Guo Wengui: A Ticking Time Bomb for US-China Ties in the Trump Era?

Guo Wengui: A Ticking Time Bomb for US-China Ties in the Trump Era?

By Ankit Panda
How will Guo Wengui's story end?
What Was Steve Bannon Doing Meeting With Wang Qishan?

What Was Steve Bannon Doing Meeting With Wang Qishan?

By Ankit Panda
The former White House chief strategist reportedly traveled to Beijing recently.

Steve Bannon Is Right And Wrong About North Korea's Military Threat

Steve Bannon Is Right And Wrong About North Korea's Military Threat

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The White House chief strategist is wrong about withdrawing U.S. troops from South Korea but right about the cost of war on the peninsula.

Steve Bannon, Dharma Warrior: Hindu Scriptures and the Worldview of Trump's Chief Ideologue

Steve Bannon, Dharma Warrior: Hindu Scriptures and the Worldview of Trump's Chief Ideologue

By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
Steve Bannon's appreciation for the Bhagavad Gita makes more sense than you might think.

Steve Bannon and Prospects of a US-China War in the South China Sea

Steve Bannon and Prospects of a US-China War in the South China Sea

By Ankit Panda
Less than a year ago, Steve Bannon saw war in the South China Sea as "five to ten" years away. That matters.
Steve Bannon on Trump's NSC Should Concern US Allies and Partners in Asia

Steve Bannon on Trump's NSC Should Concern US Allies and Partners in Asia

By Ankit Panda
Elevating Steve Bannon to the National Security Council suggests "America First" is here to stay.

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