Taiwan military planning

China Watches, Taiwan Learns: Ukraine’s War and the Indo-Pacific
By Benedetta Girardi, Davis Ellison, and Tim Sweijs
Over the course of a year-long study, we analyzed the campaign in Ukraine, comparing it with Taiwan’s military strategies and defense posture. Here’s what we found.

Taiwan’s Aging Society Poses a National Security Threat
By Jeremiah May and Daniel Fu
Taiwan’s declining population has pressing ramifications for its ability to recruit and sustain an adequate fighting force.

Taiwan’s Earthquake Resilience: Lessons for a Cross-Strait Conflict
By Hiro Fu
Taiwan’s earthquake preparedness comes from decades of regulation and work in building structural and societal resilience. It must do the same in preparation for a potential conflict with China.

Now That It’s a Reality, Does Taiwan Still Back Extended Military Conscription?
By Kuan-chen Lee
As Taiwan’s first cohort of one-year conscripts complete their basic training, the public remains heavily supportive of the policy change.

Taiwan Extends Compulsory Military Service to 1 Year
By Huizhong Wu
Taiwan's current 4-month military conscription requirement, put in place in 2017, was widely panned by the public as being too short.

Taiwan Watches the Ukraine Invasion and Asks: Are We Ready?
By Brian Hioe
The invasion of Ukraine has sparked a conversation about how well Taiwan’s armed forces and civilian population are prepared to fend off a Chinese invasion.

What Do People in Taiwan Think About Their Military?
By Austin Horng-En Wang, Charles K. S. Wu, Fan-Yu Chen, and Yao-Yuan Yeh
As the perceived threat from China rises, people in Taiwan are reevaluating long-held negative views of their military.

China’s Military Actions Against Taiwan in 2021: What to Expect
By Ying-Yu Lin
A look at the security environment facing Taiwan in the upcoming year.

What Taiwan’s Military Can Learn From the Armenia-Azerbaijan War
By Eric Chan
Taiwan can take valuable lessons from the role of drones, decoys, and flexible thinking in the conflict.

Taiwan’s Overall Defense Concept, Explained
By Lee Hsi-min and Eric Lee
The concept’s developer explains the asymmetric approach to Taiwan’s defense.

Taiwan Debates Military Preparedness Measures as Chinese Threats Escalate
By Nick Aspinwall
Taiwan is considering an increase in reservist call-ups as the U.S. mulls abandoning its longtime policy of “strategic ambiguity.”

China Flies Aircraft Close to Taiwan After Taiwan Launches Live-Fire Drills
By Nick Aspinwall
The moves come shortly after Xi told Chinese troops to prepare for war, kicking off a potentially volatile 2019.
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