Taiwan public opinion
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What Do Taiwan’s People Think About Their Relationship to China?
By Fang-Yu Chen, Austin Wang, Charles K.S. Wu, and Yao-Yuan Yeh
A new survey delves more deeply into Taiwanese public opinion toward the ROC, China, and the nation’s future.

Taiwan Bars Children of Taiwanese-Chinese Couples From Repatriation Amid Coronavirus Outbreak
By Nick Aspinwall
The reversal of an earlier decision to allow the children entry to Taiwan was supported by DPP legislators and revealed a divide among Taiwanese people.

Taiwan’s Relations with India: Partisan Divides
By Timothy S. Rich, Andi Dahmer, Madelynn Einhorn, and Vasabjit Banerjee
What do Taiwanese people think about burgeoning ties with India? To a large extent, it depends on their political affiliation.

Are Taiwan’s Citizens Willing to Fight Against China?
By Yao-Yuan Yeh, Charles K.S. Wu, Austin Wang, and Fang-Yu Chen
According to a recent survey, the public in Taiwan is not war shy after all.

What Does the 1992 Consensus Mean to Citizens in Taiwan?
By Austin Wang, Charles K.S. Wu, Yao-Yuan Yeh, & Fang-Yu Chen
Hint: it’s not what either Taiwan or China think it means.

What Does Taiwan Think of the US Factor in Cross-Strait Relations?
By Shi-huei Yang
A look at how the Taiwanese public evaluates the Trump administration's commitment to Taiwan.
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