Talisman Sabre

Multinational Talisman Sabre Exercises Underway
By Grant Wyeth
This year's iteration of the exercise burnishes Canberra’s credentials as a creative middle power with significant cooperative reach across the Indo-Pacific.

Japan’s Marines Storm Beach Alongside Australian, US Troops
By Franz-Stefan Gady
This year’s Talisman Sabre exercise in Australia included amphibious assault drills involving Japanese, Australian, and U.S. troops.

Maritime Asia Update: Malabar 2017, India's Project 75I Sub, and EEZ Surveillance
By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
The Diplomat's editors survey recent maritime and naval developments in Asia.

Are Chinese Navy Spy Ships Within Exclusive Economic Zones Soon to Be a Fact of Life?
By Ankit Panda
China's double standard on military surveillance within exclusive economic zones becomes clearer.
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