telecoms fraud

Japan Sees Surge of Foreign Love Scams
By Thisanka Siripala
Japanese authorities are warning of the latest risks with a spike in catfishing fraud.

‘Grave Concern’ as Cambodia Deports Taiwanese Alleged Scammers to China
By Nick Aspinwall
The deportations raise questions about Taiwan’s ability to participate in joint investigations with Asian trade partners.

The Truth About the Deportations of Alleged Taiwanese Scammers from Kenya to China
By Michael Turton
Most analysts interpreted the case through the lens of sovereignty issues -- and missed the point entirely.

Taiwan Slams Malaysia’s Kowtow to China on Deportations
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Taipei says Malaysia deported fraud suspects to Beijing “under pressure from China”.

Taiwan Sends Delegation to China to Discuss Deportation Case
By Shannon Tiezzi
Taipei will seek to have 45 Taiwanese suspects, currently detained in Beijing, returned to Taiwan.

The Taiwan Deportations to China Aren't About Sovereignty
By Jin Kai
China has a legal right to investigate suspects believed to have harmed Chinese citizens.
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