
Terry Gou

How the Taiwan Opposition Alliance Talks Fell Apart

How the Taiwan Opposition Alliance Talks Fell Apart

By Brian Hioe
The pan-Blue camp’s attempt to settle on a unity ticket came crashing down last week in an embarrassing televised spectacle.
Taiwan Is Attending the APEC Summit, Too

Taiwan Is Attending the APEC Summit, Too

By Christopher Bodeen
Taiwan’s participation in APEC offers a rare chance to break the diplomatic embargo imposed by China.

As Taiwan’s Election Looms, KMT-TPP Unity Talks Stumble

As Taiwan’s Election Looms, KMT-TPP Unity Talks Stumble

By Brian Hioe
With three candidates vying for the pan-Blue vote, Taiwan's presidential election is shaping up to be contentious but ultimately not very competitive.

Is This the End of Ideology in Taiwanese Politics?

Is This the End of Ideology in Taiwanese Politics?

By Julia Marinaccio
Ideology does not guide the 2024 presidential candidates’ policies on cross-strait and international relations. Yet party dynamics will inform how candidates would manage these relations if victorious. 

Can Taiwan’s Opposition Settle on a Unity Candidate?

Can Taiwan’s Opposition Settle on a Unity Candidate?

By Brian Hioe
To have any chance of winning, the pan-Blue camp will need to avoid the current three-way contest for votes. But so far no one looks willing to withdraw.
How Terry Gou’s Independent Run Impacts the 2024 Taiwanese Election

How Terry Gou’s Independent Run Impacts the 2024 Taiwanese Election

By Jake Levy
Taiwan's four-way presidential race will mean a dramatic end to the campaign season.

Foxconn’s Terry Gou Announces He Will Seek Taiwan’s Presidency as an Independent

Foxconn’s Terry Gou Announces He Will Seek Taiwan’s Presidency as an Independent

By Huizhong Wu
Gou has twice unsuccessfully sought to be the KMT’s presidential candidate. Now he will compete on his own in an already-crowded race.
Taiwan’s Presidential Slate Is Set for 2024

Taiwan’s Presidential Slate Is Set for 2024

By Brian Hioe
New Taipei mayor Hou Yu-ih, long considered the front-runner, was named as the presidential candidate of the opposition KMT.

With DPP’s Candidate Pick, Taiwan’s 2024 Presidential Race Begins

With DPP’s Candidate Pick, Taiwan’s 2024 Presidential Race Begins

By Shannon Tiezzi
William Lai is already positioning the race as a referendum on China policy, while the KMT (and Beijing) are trying to emphasize economic issues.

Terry Gou May Run for Taiwan’s President. What Does His Foxconn Record Tell Us?

Terry Gou May Run for Taiwan’s President. What Does His Foxconn Record Tell Us?

By Nick Aspinwall
Taiwan’s richest man is reportedly ready to declare his candidacy. Would he run the country like he ran his corporate empire?

Taiwan’s KMT Will Choose Its Candidate to Challenge a Resurgent President Tsai

Taiwan’s KMT Will Choose Its Candidate to Challenge a Resurgent President Tsai

By Nick Aspinwall
KMT contenders struggle to pull away from each other as political momentum shifts back to the ruling DPP.
Taiwan Politicians Continue to Align Themselves With Hong Kong Protestors

Taiwan Politicians Continue to Align Themselves With Hong Kong Protestors

By Nick Aspinwall
Protestors in Hong Kong demanding the withdrawal of a controversial extradition bill find a reliable ally in Taiwan.

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