Trans-Caspian transport

From Central Asia to Europe: What Is the Most Sustainable Transport Corridor?
By Catherine Putz
A recent European study highlighted the Central Trans-Caspian Network as the best option to connect Central Asia with Europe.

Kazakhstan’s Ports: A Vital Node of the Middle Corridor
By Wilder Alejandro Sánchez
While many issues are beyond Astana’s control, having modern and expanded ports will give the Middle Corridor a fighting chance at success.

New Hopes for Old Projects? China Gears Up Rail Efforts With Kazakhstan
By Sophia Nina Burna-Asefi
China seeks easier trade access to European markets by developing its rail network with Kazakhstan and trialing the Middle Corridor.

The Trans-Caspian Corridor: Kazakhstan’s Silk Road?
By Wilder Alejandro Sánchez and Kamila Auyezova
Kazakhstan and the Caucasus nations are looking at the Trans-Caspian transportation corridor with renewed vigor given the war in Ukraine.

China to Europe By Way of Azerbaijan’s Trans-Caspian Gateway
By Fuad Shahbazov
The Trans-Caspian International Transit Route is set to reinvigorate regional economic growth.

Why the Trans-Caspian Transport Route Matters
By Catherine Putz
The route avoids Russia, plays into the opening of Iran and pleases China.
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