Trans-Pacific Partnership

The Real Trouble With China’s Belt and Road
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Though Beijing has made inroads in addressing some concerns, the true structural challenges for the initiative remain.

Why North Korea May Define US-China Relations in the Trump Era
By Ankit Panda
So far, U.S.-China ties haven't seen a drastic deterioration. What does the future hold for U.S.-China ties?

Straight From the US State Department: The 'Pivot' to Asia Is Over
By Ankit Panda
Don't hold your breath for the language of the 'pivot' or 'rebalance' to make a return anytime soon.

While Trump and Abe Eye Bilateral Pact, Australia Keeps TPP Alive
By Anthony Fensom
Tokyo and Washington look to take the bilateral track but a slimmed-down TPP may still live on.

What's In Store For US-China Relations Under President Donald Trump?
By Ankit Panda
As the U.S. pulls away from the world, does China win? Perhaps not so easily.

Trump Killed TPP. What's Next For Trade in Asia?
By Ankit Panda
Free trade in Asia is far from dead. The question now is whether the U.S. will reap any of the benefits.

The Case For a New TPP
By William G. Frasure
America did not become "great" by putting itself "first."

The End of the TPP Will Not Upend America’s Role In Asia
By Amitai Etzioni
“Trade agreements do not have such monumental geopolitical consequences.”

‘The Mother of All Deals’: Abe Could Gift Trump a Trade Pact
By Anthony Fensom
A bilateral trade deal between the U.S. and Japan would leave other would-be TPP members behind.

With TPP's Demise, What Happens to US Intellectual Property Rights Abroad?
By Robert Farley
With TPP set to wither away, U.S. corporations will have to recalculate on intellectual property protections abroad.