Transparency International

Mongolia Commits to Fighting Corruption With International Help
By Bolor Lkhaajav
Corruption has been a perennial issue for Mongolia, but public outrage has sparked a new anti-corruption strategy from the government.

Central Asia No Closer to Shaking Perceptions of Corruption
By Catherine Putz
Transparency International notes a “troubling picture” in the region as countries struggle with “dysfunctional rule of law, rising authoritarianism, and systemic corruption.”

Indonesian Communication Minister Arrested For Corruption
By Sebastian Strangio
Johnny G. Plate has been accused of involvement in a telecoms procurement scheme that investigators say cost the state more than $500 million.

Perception of Corruption Stagnates Across Asia
By Catherine Putz
Governments in Asia are perceived to be as corrupt as ever.

Is Corruption a Serious Problem in the Pacific?
By Joshua Mcdonald
A recent report illustrates that the people of the Pacific believe corruption is a massive problem for both them and their governments.

Najib’s Window Dressing Can't Hide Malaysia's Woes
By Luke Hunt
The embattled premier’s cosmetic measures cannot conceal economic realities in the country.

Bribes, Bad MPs, and Whistleblowers: Analyzing Public Perceptions of Corruption in Eurasia
By Catherine Putz
A new report details public perceptions and experiences with corruption.

Cambodia Now ASEAN’s Most Corrupt Country
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The country records the region's worst score in Transparency International’s annual corruption index.

Report: North Korea Has World's Worst Corruption
By John Power
North Korea tied for the worst score in Transparency International's report, but South Korea has its issues as well.

Central Asia Fails on Rights and Corruption
By Catherine Putz
Reports released this week have no good news about combating corruption or addressing human rights issues in Central Asia

Beware Asia’s Unchecked Military Power: Report
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The region’s military buildup is a lot more secretive than it should be, Transparency International finds in a new report.

Singapore Diplomat Jailed for Inflating Tarts
By Luke Hunt
The city-state makes good on its promise to root out government corruption.
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