
Japan’s Political Tremors
The earthquake and tsunami were preceded by major tremors in the country’s political system. Their continuation will help shape post-disaster Japan.

Why Fukushima Isn’t Like Chernobyl
Despite media hype about the radiation dangers, the Fukushima nuclear crisis won’t end like Chernobyl, Alexander Sich tells The Diplomat.

China's Earthquake Response
The reaction to the earthquake and tsunami in Japan has been mostly sympathetic.

A New Japan?
Naoto Kan calls for a new Japan to emerge from the crisis, and we revamp our Japan blog in agreement.

Japan's Safe Nuclear Myth
The crisis at the Fukushima nuclear plant and radiation fears have blown a hole in the idea nuclear energy works in Japan.

Japan's Quake and the Economy
It would be a mistake to argue the earthquake that hit Japan doesn’t have big implications for the global economy.
Earthquake & Tsunami Art Relief
Gallerists and museums around the world come up with creative ways to help the victims of the Japan disaster.
Japan Tsunami Aftershock (Video)
Ulara Nakagawa recounts visiting Miyagi Prefecture, the area hardest hit by last week’s earthquake and tsunami.
Tokyo: Searching for Comfort
Tokyo is still reeling from the devastating earthquake and tsunami. Art can help people in the healing process.
Japan Tsunami Aftermath Video
Ulara Nakagawa shares footage of one of the worst-hit areas from last week’s earthquake and tsunami.
Making Progress
Earthquake warnings, tsunami alerts and conflicting reports on nuclear plants make the journey to Sendai tense.

A Brave Face on a Crisis
Stopping in Niigata on the way to the earthquake and tsunami-hit zone, things look normal. But looks can be deceiving.