U.S. alliances in the Asia-Pacific

Biden’s Asia Policy, 1 Year In
By Danny Russel and Wendy Cutler
One year into the Biden administration, what should we make of its policy toward Asia and the Indo-Pacific?

The Gaps in the New Regional Security Architecture for the Indo-Pacific
By Hanns W. Maull
The current effort – including AUKUS and the Quad – is missing three critical ingredients compared to early efforts in Cold War Europe.

Despite Afghanistan Withdrawal, Americans Continue to Support US Presence in South Korea
By Juni Kim
A recent KEI-YouGov survey indicates most Americans support the South Korea-U.S. alliance and see crucial U.S. interests at stake in East Asia.

Why Provide Nuclear Submarines to Australia, But Not South Korea or Japan?
By A. B. Abrams
Australia’s strategic location makes its deployment of SSNs a much greater asset to broader Western interests than if other U.S. allies did the same.

Beyond Alliance Repair: Biden Must Do More in the Indo-Pacific
By Ashley Townshend and Tom Corben
Washington must sharpen its focus on strengthening the regional order-defending agendas of its Indo-Pacific alliances.

Afghanistan Fiasco Does Not Destroy US Credibility in Asia-Pacific
By Denny Roy
While the disaster unfolding in Afghanistan will have many negative consequences, it will not by itself cause the end of U.S. strategic pre-eminence in the Asia-Pacific region.

The US Doesn’t Need to Worry About Japan (or Any Other Ally) Going Nuclear
By Gregory Kulacki
No U.S. ally is going to become the next North Korea. That’s a thin excuse for a new U.S. nuclear buildup.

Leaders of America’s Asian Allies Call President-Elect Biden
By Associated Press
The leaders of South Korea, Japan, and Australia all called the former vice president to discuss future cooperation on issues like the pandemic and climate change.

Is the US-Philippines Alliance Obsolete?
By Aaron Jed Rabena and Elliot Silverberg
With the unwinding of the U.S.-Philippines Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA), the utility of Washington’s oldest alliance in the Indo-Pacific hangs in the balance.

How Much Is the US-South Korea Alliance Worth?
By Kyle Ferrier
If the Trump administration is going to insist on putting a dollar value on the costs of the alliance, it should also consider the gains in monetary terms.

South Korea Just Made a Big Mistake
By John Lee
Pulling out of the intelligence sharing agreement with Japan will only hurt Korea's security.

The North Korea Crisis in Regional Context
By J.M. Norton and Monte R. Bullard
A look at the geopolitical drivers of policy in North Korea, China, and elsewhere.