U.S.-China alliance

Bob Dole and a Lost Era of China-US Cooperation
By Chi Wang
Like the late Senator Dole, the Greatest Generation had a unique memory of World War II-era alliance between the U.S. and China.

The Living Legacy of the Flying Tigers
By Samuel Hui
The history of the Flying Tigers is not only an inspirational story – it is the key to future Taiwan-U.S. security cooperation.

Why FDR Embraced China as a Great Power
By Keikichi Takahashi
Franklin Roosevelt sought to boost China’s global stature, provided it could meet three conditions. How does modern China measure up to that standard?

China Is Signaling Its Desire to Improve Relations With the US. Is Anyone Listening?
By Aries Li
Chinese officials’ World War II commemorations hold an important message for the modern day China-U.S. relationship.

The Doolittle Raiders and Chinese Revisionist History
By Bonnie Girard
Generational censorship left a story of U.S.-China cooperation, bravery, and sacrifice untold.

When the US and China Were Allies
By Shannon Tiezzi
70 years ago, the U.S. was full of pro-Chinese propaganda, encouraging friendship with a wartime ally.
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