U.S.-China Competition

New Equations in the Asia-Pacific as China Arrives as Military Power
By Harsh V. Pant
China's expanding and modernizing military power could change everything in Asia.
US to Challenge China for World’s Fastest Supercomputer
By Shannon Tiezzi
The Obama administration is prioritizing supercomputers after China's recent success in that field.

Forecasting the Future of US-China Competition
By Dr. Patrick Cronin
A snapshot of Washington views on the future of the US-China relationship.

Pride and Prejudice: The Drivers of China-US Conflict
By Jin Kai
Conflict between the two powers has been and will be the norm.

3 Reasons the United States Should Invite China to RIMPAC 2016
By Dingding Chen
Because cooperation is better than confrontation at this tenuous moment of U.S.-China relations.

Why 3 Chinese Citizens Are Suing Their Government
By Shannon Tiezzi
Plus, a new report on the Chinese navy, the "little red app," and cross-strait relations. Friday China links.

Why Shouldn't China Change the International Rules?
By Jin Kai
China is often accused of wanting to "change the rules." Is that automatically a bad thing?

How China Can Perfect Its 'Silk Road' Strategy
By Xue Li and Xu Yanzhuo
The challenges facing China's Silk Road strategy -- and how to overcome them.

What the AIIB Means for the US-China Power Transition
By Jin Kai
Is Washington determined to keep China isolated?

US Admiral: China Counter-Space Threat Is 'Real'
By Shannon Tiezzi
The head of U.S. Strategic Command pointed to China's counter-space capabilities as an area of concern.

The AIIB: China's Just Getting Started
By Jin Kai
The AIIB's success doesn't mean that China has deposed the US -- but the game has only just begun.

America's AIIB Disaster: Are There Lessons to be Learned?
By Shannon Tiezzi
The U.S. needs a better response to Chinese-led initiatives than attempting to lead a boycott.