
U.S.-China export controls

4 Ways China Gets Around US AI Chip Restrictions

4 Ways China Gets Around US AI Chip Restrictions

By Che-Jen Wang
Chinese companies have found loopholes allowing them access to technologies the Biden administration has tried to fence off.

Beyond the Blame Game: De-risking Through Strengthened Asia-Pacific Cooperation

Beyond the Blame Game: De-risking Through Strengthened Asia-Pacific Cooperation

By Siwei Huang
Strategic competition with China is of vital national interest to the United States, and that is precisely why feedback from Asian allies and partners matters.
Hong Kong Is Chiming in on China-US Tech Competition

Hong Kong Is Chiming in on China-US Tech Competition

By Sunny Cheung
Hong Kong’s investments in semiconductors and technology highlight a deliberate strategy to align with China’s objectives while exploiting gaps in U.S. regulations.

AI Chips for China Face Additional US Restrictions

AI Chips for China Face Additional US Restrictions

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
China has criticized the latest round of new rules by saying that it will “disrupt the international semiconductor market as well as cooperation among enterprises.” 

China’s Pursuit of Autonomous Machine Computing Self-Sufficiency

China’s Pursuit of Autonomous Machine Computing Self-Sufficiency

By Shaoshan Liu
The development of computing chips for autonomous machines is China’s only missing link in completing its self-reliant autonomous machine ecosystem.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Can the Biden-Xi Summit Chart the Course to a Stabilized China-US Economic Relationship?

Can the Biden-Xi Summit Chart the Course to a Stabilized China-US Economic Relationship?

By Bai Peng
The differing interpretations of de-risking by China and the United States highlight the profound unease with which they view the current state and trajectory of their economic relations.

What Does Huawei’s Homemade Chip Really Mean for China’s Semiconductor Industry?

What Does Huawei’s Homemade Chip Really Mean for China’s Semiconductor Industry?

By Megha Shrivastava
In the end, the breakthrough may be largely symbolic – but that's precisely how it will have the biggest impact.
Fostering Global Collaboration Amid Volatile Geopolitics and Technology Bans

Fostering Global Collaboration Amid Volatile Geopolitics and Technology Bans

By Sebastian Contin Trillo-Figueroa and Dingding Chen
No country can go it alone in today's interconnected world. Here's a potential path back to global cooperation to facilitate the sharing of technological advancements and the assurance of collective security.

Can Economic Ties Continue to Power China-US Relations?

Can Economic Ties Continue to Power China-US Relations?

By Shannon Tiezzi
A visit to China by the U.S. commerce secretary saw more deliverables than any other recent exchange, but there are still hard limits on what can be achieved.

How Will China’s Rare Earth Export Controls Impact Japan?

How Will China’s Rare Earth Export Controls Impact Japan?

By Nicolas Velez
Access to gallium, in particular, is crucial for Japan’s defense and energy priorities.

Can US High-tech Restrictions on China Succeed?

Can US High-tech Restrictions on China Succeed?

By Bates Gill and Konrad Lee
U.S. export controls on China are set to tighten further, but will create many challenges, including in relations with Washington’s European and Asian allies.
The Current State of U.S.-China Chip Competition

The Current State of U.S.-China Chip Competition

By Lucas Browne and Zachary Durkee
China has yet to substantively respond to the export controls targeting its chip industry, but may do so as restrictions tighten and loopholes are closed.

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