U.S.-China Relations

Why Are Chinese Stocks Dropping in the US?
By Chutian Zhou
The fraying of U.S.-China relations is having an impact on Chinese companies listed in the U.S.

The US Pulls Pensions Out of China. What’s the End Game?
By Bonnie Girard
Coming as part of a sea change in Trump's rhetoric toward China, this could be the start of a larger strategy.

Don’t Let Tension With China Ruin US-North Korea Diplomacy
By Christopher Mott
Present tensions between Washington and Beijing shouldn't be allowed to derail work toward peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.

US Sanctions Prompt China to Cut Most Iran Oil Supplies, Officially at Least
By Yigal Chazan
Declared imports have nosedived, but Beijing seems unwilling to shut off completely deliveries from its strategic partner.

Restricting Chinese Journalist Visas Will Not Stop China’s Propaganda Campaigns
By Chauncey Jung
China’s state media have the resources to carry on. It’s the Chinese journalists affiliated with independent media who will suffer the most.

Why the US Campaign Against Huawei Backfired
By Thomas D. Lairson, David Skidmore, and Wu Xinbo
Why is it that even a government as powerful as the United States is unable to impose its will on a single technology firm?

The US, China, and the Perils of Post-COVID Decoupling
By Yan Liang
Resorting to economic nationalism is the wrong lesson to take from the pandemic.

What Are America’s Interests in Hong Kong?
By Jin Kai
The hardnosed new U.S. approach to Hong Kong may actually end up undermining U.S. interests in the region.

Trump’s Anti-China Rhetoric Aimed at Boosting US Leverage
By Associated Press
The Trump administration’s efforts to condemn China for covering up the spread of the pandemic have intensified.

8 Chinese Arguments Against Western ‘Hubris’ and Why They Fail
By Denny Roy
It may be premature to assess a decline of the West.

To Hold China Accountable for Delayed COVID-19 Action, Target the ‘Great Firewall’
By Michael Sobolik
Washington must address the root causes of China’s propensity to obscure the origins of the new coronavirus

What’s Behind US ‘Concerns’ About Possible Chinese Nuclear Testing?
By Ankit Panda
The U.S. State Department has raised concerns about possible Chinese nuclear testing activity. What’s really going on?