U.S.-China Relations

Downplaying Sino-US Tensions in the South China Sea
By Hunter Marston
How to help ease tensions in what is often called the world's most important bilateral relationship.

The US-China Perception Gap in the South China Sea
By David J. Firestein
The United States and China perceive the South China Sea issue in starkly different terms.

The South China Sea Ruling: 1 Month Later
By Tuan N. Pham
Time to carefully analyze the Chinese reaction to determine how best to respond in the coming months.

US Foreign Policy in the Face of a 'Might Makes Right' China
By Andreas Xenachis
"Chinese leaders have concluded that, in international affairs, power is the ultimate and only source of legitimacy."

How the US Misjudged the South China Sea, Part II
By Xue Li and Xu Yanzhuo
The U.S. misunderstood China's position in the SCS and created a self-fulfilling prophecy of Chinese "aggression."

How the US Misjudged the South China Sea, Part I
By Xue Li and Xu Yanzhuo
A look at the U.S. position and policy, and why it failed to produce the desired response.

Is Kissinger’s Triangular Diplomacy the Answer to Sino-Russian Rapprochement?
By Francis P. Sempa
To prevent a Sino-Russia security alliance, the U.S. should remember the advice of Henry Kissinger.

FBI Employee Pleads Guilty to Acting as Chinese Government Agent
By Ankit Panda
An FBI employee pleaded guilty to passing sensitive information to Chinese government agents.

Brits Blacklist East Turkestan Islamic Movement
By Catherine Putz
And U.S. National Security Adviser Susan Rice had "a candid exchange" about ETIM during her recent visit to Beijing.

How to Avoid War in the South China Sea
By Walter C. Clemens, Jr.
War between China and the United States is not inevitable.

Here's What the 2016 Republican Platform Has to Say About Asia
By Ankit Panda
The 2016 Republican platform opines broadly on the Asia-Pacific.

Seeking a US-China Consensus in the South China Sea
By Chen Xiaochen and Chang Yudi
How to manage tensions in the U.S.-China relationship after the South China Sea ruling.