U.S.-China Relations
Surprising Trends in US Views of China
By Shannon Tiezzi
Demographic trends in U.S. public opinion could be a positive sign for the future of U.S.-China relations.
China: The World’s New Peacekeeper?
By Emma Campbell-Mohn
Contributing to peacekeeping operations is helping Beijing to build a global presence.
Arms Control in Asia: Back to the Future?
By Christine M. Leah
Even with nuclear and conventional arms agreements, the tasks of strategy do not go away.
The Rising US-China Cyber Stakes
By Robert Farley
Why is the Obama White House willing to risk Chinese retaliation over new cyber-espionage allegations?
New US Cyber Order Could Provoke Chinese Retaliation
By Shannon Tiezzi
If Obama's new executive order is used to sanction Chinese firms, how will Beijing respond?
US Marine F-18s Land at Taiwan Air Base, Beijing Protests
By J. Michael Cole
Beijing is not happy that two U.S. F-18s conducted emergency landings in Taiwan.
Watch Out Would-Be Hackers! The United States Is Playing Cyber Hard Ball
By Ankit Panda
This is no April Fool's joke.
America’s Rebalance to the Asia-Pacific: On Track
By Janine Davidson and Lauren Dickey
The Asia rebalance is the most misunderstood foreign policy initiative of the Obama presidency.
China IT Laws Top US Treasury Secretary's Agenda
By Shannon Tiezzi
During a visit to Beijing, Secretary Jacob Lew continued to press China on new restrictions on foreign IT companies.
Mearsheimer’s War With China
By Amitai Etzioni
The provocative political scientist foresees tense relations between the U.S. and China.
South Korea Joins the AIIB
By Ankit Panda
South Korea is the latest U.S. ally to join the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).
What the AIIB Means for the US-China Power Transition
By Jin Kai
Is Washington determined to keep China isolated?