
U.S. climate change policy

The Sea Isn’t the Only Thing Rising: Life, Death and Disease in the Pacific

The Sea Isn’t the Only Thing Rising: Life, Death and Disease in the Pacific

By Ami Bera and Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick
Cutting funding to multilateral efforts that confront climate change globally is shortsighted. When we help others, no matter how many miles away, we learn how to help ourselves.

John Kerry, Xie Zhenhua Exit Roles That Defined Generation of Climate Action

John Kerry, Xie Zhenhua Exit Roles That Defined Generation of Climate Action

By Chris Megerian and Seth Borenstein
The two men have shepherded China-U.S. climate cooperation since 2009. Can progress continue without their personal bond?
Centering Climate Change in the China-US Competition

Centering Climate Change in the China-US Competition

By Matt Holbrook
Climate change in the Indo-Pacific will have a very real impact on the outcome of any potential great power conflict within the region.

Decentering the U.S.-China Relationship in the Climate Agenda

Decentering the U.S.-China Relationship in the Climate Agenda

By Taylah Bland
Both the U.S. and China have made progress on their domestic climate agendas. What if pressing for deeper cooperation between them is beside the point?

China’s Climate Diplomacy Surge 

China’s Climate Diplomacy Surge 

By Chris Qihan Zou
As climate change emerges as a key focus in some of China’s recent diplomatic initiatives, there are opportunities for the U.S. to enhance its own climate diplomacy efforts. 

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Can China and the US Cooperate on Climate Change?

Can China and the US Cooperate on Climate Change?

By Nima Khorrami
The China-U.S. technology rivalry will severely hinder the prospect of a common Sino-American approach to climate change.

What Did the US-Pacific Summit Achieve?

What Did the US-Pacific Summit Achieve?

By Patricia O’Brien
For all the talk of China and geopolitics, climate change and funding remained at the top of Pacific leaders’ agenda.
Can China and the US Cooperate on Climate Change?

Can China and the US Cooperate on Climate Change?

Li Shuo, Jennifer Turner, and Alex Wang discuss the role of climate change in China-U.S. relations.

A Turning Point for Japan-US Climate Cooperation? 

A Turning Point for Japan-US Climate Cooperation? 

By Florentine Koppenborg and Ulv Hanssen
Biden needs to put more pressure on Japan to abandon coal.

US Climate Summit: Who’s Attending From the Asia-Pacific?

US Climate Summit: Who’s Attending From the Asia-Pacific?

By Shannon Tiezzi
12 Asian countries will have their leaders speak at Biden's first big (virtual) event. Others are feeling snubbed.

Kerry Visits Renews China-US Climate Cooperation

Kerry Visits Renews China-US Climate Cooperation

By Shannon Tiezzi
The joint statement included some welcome commitments, and held out hope for more progress in the future.
The US and Japan Must Lead on Climate Cooperation

The US and Japan Must Lead on Climate Cooperation

By Mary M. McCarthy and Phillip Y. Lipscy
Both countries have been criticized as climate change laggards. The Biden and Suga administrations are looking to change that perception.

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