U.S.-Japan relations

The US, Japan, and Trade: What Trump Can Learn From the 1990s
By Erik French
As the Clinton administration learned, pushing Japan away over trade issues risks causing chaos in Asia.

What to Make of the New US Defense Secretary's 'Apology Tour'
By Alex Ward
In Asia next week, it's up to Mattis to salvage key relationships bruised by President Trump's campaign rhetoric.

The Significance of Abe’s Pearl Harbor Visit
By Seiko Mimaki
The Japanese prime minister’s visit shows that liberals don’t have the monopoly on reconciliation.

From ‘Infamy’ to ‘Reconciliation’ – Prime Minister Abe’s Visit to Pearl Harbor
By Yuichi Hosoya
A shift in perceptions could change the direction of the U.S.-Japan alliance.

Why Japan Should Get Ready for 'Trump Shocks'
By Tom Le and Paul Midford
Like the "Nixon Shocks" of the 1970s, Trump's policies will have domestic consequences for Japan.

8 Years Later: Understanding the Obama Administration's Asia-Pacific Legacy
By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
How did the United States' foreign policy efforts in the Asia-Pacific pan out under the Obama administration?

Abe in Pearl Harbor: From Remembrance to Reconciliation
By Yukari Easton
The Japanese prime minister's visit to Pearl Harbor is a new step forward in postwar reconciliation.

Shinzo Abe's Visit to Pearl Harbor: What to Expect
By Yuki Tatsumi
What to watch for during the Japanese prime minister's historic trip.

What is the Future of US Policy Toward Japan and Korea?
By Daniel Bob
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump espouse very different policies toward America's two biggest allies in Asia.

Japan and Shinzo Abe's Gamble With Russia
By Yuki Tatsumi
Japan's outreach to Russia is risky, as it could end up alienating the United States.

Asia’s Double Nightmare: Brexit and President Trump
By Anthony Fensom
After the economic shock of Brexit, Asia can ill afford Trump's protectionism.

Despite Trump's Rhetoric, GOP Senators Try to Reassure South Korea
By Catherine Putz
Reassuring allies in the face of Donald Trump’s presumptive nomination to the Republican presidential ticket is not easy.