
U.S.-Korea Special Measures Agreement

How a Second Trump Term Could Shape the South Korea-U.S. Alliance

How a Second Trump Term Could Shape the South Korea-U.S. Alliance

By Jihoon Yu and Erik French
Three points of friction could emerge over policy toward North Korea, host-nation support, and China policy.

What the Return of Trump Would Mean for South Korea

What the Return of Trump Would Mean for South Korea

By Clint Work
The former president called into question the U.S. force presence in Korea – the foundation for the alliance.
Trump Reveals What Many Already Suspected About His Korea Policy

Trump Reveals What Many Already Suspected About His Korea Policy

By Kyle Ferrier
A statement from the former president is a stark reminder of his transactional approach to both Koreas.

South Korea and US Reach Agreement on Defense Cost Sharing

South Korea and US Reach Agreement on Defense Cost Sharing

By Mitch Shin
Seoul and Washington finally agreed on how to split the bill for the U.S. troops stationed in South Korea, but have not revealed details. 

South Korea Restarts Cost-Sharing Negotiations With Washington 

South Korea Restarts Cost-Sharing Negotiations With Washington 

By Mitch Shin
With a new administration in Washington, Seoul welcomed the chance to resume SMA negotiations that have been stalled for nearly a year. 

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Scott Snyder on Trump, South Korea, and ‘America-First’ Alliance Policy

Scott Snyder on Trump, South Korea, and ‘America-First’ Alliance Policy

By Shannon Tiezzi
"One dismisses the president’s longstanding beliefs that allies such as South Korea are free riders at one’s own peril."

Amid COVID-19, the US Needs to Rethink Its Approach to Host Nation Support Talks

Amid COVID-19, the US Needs to Rethink Its Approach to Host Nation Support Talks

By Jeffrey W. Hornung
Pushing for vastly increased contributions when Japan and South face looming recessions amid an ongoing pandemic will not serve U.S. interests.
The US and South Korea Need a Stopgap SMA

The US and South Korea Need a Stopgap SMA

By Troy Stangarone
The ongoing nature of the coronavirus crisis merits a rethink to both countries' approaches to the SMA talks.

Beyond North Korea: Fractures in the US-South Korea Alliance

Beyond North Korea: Fractures in the US-South Korea Alliance

By Clint Work
Tracing near-term, structural, and strategic divergences in the alliance.

Threat of Furloughs Looms Over Continuing US-Korea Burden-Sharing Talks

Threat of Furloughs Looms Over Continuing US-Korea Burden-Sharing Talks

By Jenna Gibson
If Washington and Seoul can’t narrow the gap on their cost-sharing talks thousands of Koreans could start missing paychecks.

US Interests Are Not Served by Making a Scapegoat of South Korea

US Interests Are Not Served by Making a Scapegoat of South Korea

By Sukjoon Yoon
The U.S.-South Korea SMA negotiations have devolved into a blatant shakedown. That's bad for both sides.
How Much Is the US-South Korea Alliance Worth?

How Much Is the US-South Korea Alliance Worth?

By Kyle Ferrier
If the Trump administration is going to insist on putting a dollar value on the costs of the alliance, it should also consider the gains in monetary terms.

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