
U.S.-Myanmar relations

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Has the US Lost Myanmar to China?

Has the US Lost Myanmar to China?

By Hunter Marston
Xi’s visit bolstered China-Myanmar ties, but the West can still compete.
Why Foreign Policy Matters to Myanmar’s Democratic Transition

Why Foreign Policy Matters to Myanmar’s Democratic Transition

By Hnin Wint Nyunt Hman
In the best-case scenario, Myanmar would be rich like the East and democratic like the West. 

How Myanmar Benefits from the US-China Competition in the Indo-Pacific

How Myanmar Benefits from the US-China Competition in the Indo-Pacific

By Sampa Kundu
Myanmar's government has played its cards well in the U.S.-China competition for influence.

What the US Can Learn from China and India’s Engagement With Myanmar

What the US Can Learn from China and India’s Engagement With Myanmar

By Abigail Chen and Hunter Marston
As U.S. pressure tactics have proven unable to improve conditions for the Rohingya, it is worth considering alternatives.

A New Report Says America is Being Duped in Myanmar

A New Report Says America is Being Duped in Myanmar

By Stanley A. Weiss
Myanmar's military has fooled Washington into thinking the country has changed.
What Tillerson’s Myanmar Visit Means

What Tillerson’s Myanmar Visit Means

By Angshuman Choudhury
Geopolitics beats out values as Tillerson treads softly on the Rohingya issue.

Is Myanmar Serious About Enforcing Sanctions on North Korea?

Is Myanmar Serious About Enforcing Sanctions on North Korea?

By Clint Work
Is this a real shift in North Korea-Myanmar relations, or just political expediency?
What's Behind the 2017 Rakhine State Crisis in Myanmar?

What's Behind the 2017 Rakhine State Crisis in Myanmar?

By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
The eruption of Rohingya insurgency has taken the long-simmering Rakhine State crisis to a new level.

How Should Washington Re-engage with Myanmar's Security Agenda?

How Should Washington Re-engage with Myanmar's Security Agenda?

By Amara Thiha
Multi-track diplomacy holds the key to effective engagement with the Tatmadaw.

It’s Good to Be the Tatmadaw

It’s Good to Be the Tatmadaw

By Ben Dunant
Formerly a global pariah, the Burmese military now enjoys a growing embrace by the West and public support at home.

Why the US Election Matters for Myanmar

Why the US Election Matters for Myanmar

By Adam E. Howe
The next president will determine whether Obama's interest in Myanmar was aberration or precedent.
'No Rohingya': Behind the US Embassy Protest in Myanmar

'No Rohingya': Behind the US Embassy Protest in Myanmar

By David Doyle
"We want to declare to the U.S. embassy and to all the other countries, there are no Rohingya in our country."

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