
U.S. Pivot to Asia

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Do Asians Back the US Pivot More than Americans?

Do Asians Back the US Pivot More than Americans?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Though a new survey suggests this is the case, a closer look reveals a more complex picture.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership Is No Aircraft Carrier

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Is No Aircraft Carrier

By Robert Farley
Framing the Trans-Pacific Partnership as an urgent issue for U.S. national security is frankly unproductive.

Douglas MacArthur and the Pivot to Asia

Douglas MacArthur and the Pivot to Asia

By Francis P. Sempa
The controversial general would have applauded the U.S. commitment to the Asia-Pacific.

Are the Ukraine Crisis and ISIS Threatening the Pivot to Asia?

Are the Ukraine Crisis and ISIS Threatening the Pivot to Asia?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The chairman of the House Seapower and Projection Forces subcommittee shows concerns over the U.S. pivot to Asia.

The Killing of Jennifer Laude and US-Philippines Relations

The Killing of Jennifer Laude and US-Philippines Relations

By Christopher Capozzola
The Obama pivot doesn’t have to come at the expense of bilateral relations.
Will Islamic State Cripple the Pivot?

Will Islamic State Cripple the Pivot?

By Robert E. Kelly
America’s inability to stop fighting in the Middle East has serious implications for its Asia policy.

So Long Deployment, Hello Employment: Redefining the Rebalance to Asia

So Long Deployment, Hello Employment: Redefining the Rebalance to Asia

By Shannon Tiezzi
John Kerry's definition of the U.S. rebalance to Asia is far different from Hillary Clinton's original description.
The Pivot and Democratic Regression in Southeast Asia

The Pivot and Democratic Regression in Southeast Asia

By Joshua Kurlantzick
Could the U.S. pivot to Asia have encouraged authoritarianism in the region?

US Reduces Security Assistance to Asia

US Reduces Security Assistance to Asia

By Zachary Keck
The Obama administration is quietly reducing security assistance to Asia, even as it pledges to increase it.

How the Army Should Pivot to Asia

How the Army Should Pivot to Asia

By John R. Deni
Anachronistic basing arrangements are preventing the U.S. Army from achieving its full potential in the Indo-Pacific.

The Rebalance to Asia: A Patch for U.S. Leadership?

The Rebalance to Asia: A Patch for U.S. Leadership?

By Jin Kai
The U.S. needs to clarify its Asia-Pacific strategy if it is to be more than a temporary fix for declining leadership.
Where Was the Rebalance to Asia in Obama’s West Point Speech?

Where Was the Rebalance to Asia in Obama’s West Point Speech?

By Shannon Tiezzi
Obama's foreign policy address offered little clarity (or emphasis) on America's role in the Asia-Pacific.

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