
U.S. Pivot to Asia

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The US, China, and the 'Containment Trap'

The US, China, and the 'Containment Trap'

By Jin Kai
The U.S. strategy to contain China has short-term benefits but long-term risks.
Reviewing Obama’s Trip to Asia

Reviewing Obama’s Trip to Asia

By Shannon Tiezzi
The Diplomat speaks with Dr. Jonathan Pollack, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, about Obama’s goals for the trip, and the major events at each of his stops.

China Is Fine With Obama’s Trip to Asia - Except for Japan

China Is Fine With Obama’s Trip to Asia - Except for Japan

By Shannon Tiezzi
China's official response to Obama's Asia trip has been restrained - except for comments on U.S.-Japan relations.

Why Obama's Asia Tour Is Bad News for China

Why Obama's Asia Tour Is Bad News for China

By Shannon Tiezzi
Obama's trip to Asia will increase perceptions in Beijing that the U.S. seeks to contain China's rise.

The Risks of Asia-Pacific Multilateralism

The Risks of Asia-Pacific Multilateralism

By John H.S. Åberg and Nathan W. Novak
Those who would call for U.S.-led multilateral institutions in Asia need to consider the potential pitfalls.
What Flight MH370 Tells Us About the US in Asia

What Flight MH370 Tells Us About the US in Asia

By Yang Hengjun
In the wake of a terrible tragedy, the U.S. is proving why it is indispensable to the Asia-Pacific region.

Beijing and Washington’s Defense Budgets: A Tale of Two Cities

Beijing and Washington’s Defense Budgets: A Tale of Two Cities

By Shannon Tiezzi
Recently released defense budgets by China and the U.S. reveal different approaches but similar goals in Asia.
Indonesia’s South China Sea Options

Indonesia’s South China Sea Options

By Clint Richards
Indonesia has the potential to defend its maritime interests, but for now it will need a partner.

U.S. Policy for the South China Sea

U.S. Policy for the South China Sea

By Zachary Keck and Ankit Panda
The Diplomat's Zachary Keck and Ankit Panda discuss recent U.S. comments on the South China Sea, and much more.

The Weakest Link: How China Seeks to Destabilize the US-ROK-Japan Triangle

The Weakest Link: How China Seeks to Destabilize the US-ROK-Japan Triangle

By Jin Kai
China believes it can drive a wedge in the U.S. alliance structure by expanding its ties with South Korea.

Has Obama Abandoned the Pivot to Asia?

Has Obama Abandoned the Pivot to Asia?

By Shannon Tiezzi
Obama's 2014 State of the Union address implies that the Asia-Pacific is not a priority for his administration.
Biden's China Visit: A Failure to Communicate

Biden's China Visit: A Failure to Communicate

By Shannon Tiezzi
Joe Biden and Xi Jinping are talking, but are they actually saying anything?

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