
United States

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Why Opacity Is Asia's Biggest Military Threat

Why Opacity Is Asia's Biggest Military Threat

By Van Jackson
The region's lack of transparency increases the risk of conflict everywhere.
Donald Trump's Asia Policy Would be a Disaster

Donald Trump's Asia Policy Would be a Disaster

By Van Jackson
The candidate's approach to the region is hardly a recipe for American 'greatness.'

Was Nuclear Weapon Use in Hiroshima Really a Turning Point in World War 2?

Was Nuclear Weapon Use in Hiroshima Really a Turning Point in World War 2?

By Ankit Panda
Bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki did little to convince Japanese leaders to end the war.

US Public Opinion on China: A New Low?

US Public Opinion on China: A New Low?

By Euhwa Tran
Are increased tensions between the two countries the 'new normal'?

Uzbek Refugee Facing Terrorism Charges In the US

Uzbek Refugee Facing Terrorism Charges In the US

By Catherine Putz
Fazliddin Kurbanov, arrested in 2013, is about halfway through his trial in Idaho.
A Deal of Great Consequence

A Deal of Great Consequence

By Ankit Panda
The nuclear accord with Iran is a deal with potentially profound consequences.

Russian Soldiers Cause a Ruckus in Tajikistan

Russian Soldiers Cause a Ruckus in Tajikistan

By Catherine Putz
A group of Russian soldiers--drunk and in their underwear--got into a fight with locals this week.
Kyrgyzstan Denounces Cooperation Treaty with America

Kyrgyzstan Denounces Cooperation Treaty with America

By Catherine Putz
The diplomatic row between Kyrgyzstan and the U.S. continues, taking with it a treaty that benefited aid programs.

How America and China Have Different Visions of International Order

How America and China Have Different Visions of International Order

By Alek Chance
One man’s leadership is another man’s hegemony.

What Does the US Military See as Its Greatest Threat?

What Does the US Military See as Its Greatest Threat?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
China's activities in the South China Sea are prominently featured in the Pentagon's latest strategy document.

The Future of Net Assessment at the Pentagon

The Future of Net Assessment at the Pentagon

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Yoda has left the building: What does the U.S. Secretary of Defense want the Pentagon's internal think tank to focus on?
US and Japan Successfully Test Ballistic Missile Killer

US and Japan Successfully Test Ballistic Missile Killer

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The new next-generation Standard Missile-3 (SM-3) is scheduled to be deployed at sea and ashore by 2018.

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