
Climate Concerns: Pakistan’s Environmental Challenges and Policy Shortcomings
By Abdul Waheed Bhutto
Pakistan’s climate change policy must broaden its scope to address additional factors contributing to climate change, such as deforestation, unsustainable agricultural practices, urbanization, and industrial emissions.

In Numbers: Urbanization and Climate Change in the Asia-Pacific
By Diplomat Risk Intelligence
A new DRI Trendlines report describes, among other things, how climate change and urbanization interact in the Asia-Pacific, leading to new traditional and non-traditional security risks.

Young People, Social Media, and Urban Transformation of Dushanbe
By Sher Khashimov and Tahmina Inoyatova
In the Tajik capital, young people turn to social media to document and discuss the changing face of the city.

ASEAN Smart City Network: Thinking Beyond Ceremonial Paradiplomacy
By Ario Bimo Utomo
Can ASEAN support the growth of "smart" cities?

Fixing Afghanistan’s Security of Tenure Crisis
By Ahmad Bilal Khalil and Noorullah Farajid
85 percent of urban properties in Afghanistan’s largest cities are vulnerable, their tenants lacking security of tenure.

Mumbai's Last Jungle Under Threat
By Angel L Martínez Cantera
A metro project threatens one of the city’s last green spaces and the tribal people who live there.

If the Global Population Busts, Can Australia Boom with a Proactive Immigration Policy?
By Grant Wyeth
A declining global population will make the maintenance of Australia’s immigration program the country’s primary strategic asset.

What’s Behind the Demise of Vietnam’s 'Captain Sidewalk'?
By Erin Cook
A closer look at a telling development and what it means for the Southeast Asian state.

Can Asia Escape the Malthusian Trap?
By David Vallance
The region’s governments need to think seriously about developmental and demographic issues as part of their grand strategies.

Amid Climate Disasters, South Asia’s Cities Need to Focus on Resilience
By Nandan Sharalaya
Investing in resilient infrastructure does not come cheap and funding remains a key constraint.

Why Resilient Cities Are Important to ASEAN's Future
By Ashvin Dayal
To sustain ASEAN’s economic progress over the next 50 years, its leaders must commit to focusing on climate change.

Urbanization and The Greens of Melbourne
By Grant Wyeth
The Greens have consolidated in Australia’s “cool” city, but hold a deep suspicion of the urban development that keeps it that way.
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