
Thailand Forcibly Sends Uyghurs to China After Decade-Long Arbitrary Detention
By Yalkun Uluyol
Once again, the world has failed Uyghurs.

After the Fall of Kabul, the US Needs to Reject China’s Narrative on Terrorism
By Omer Kanat
Hyping an unsubstantiated “extremism” threat is a key, and classic, tactic in the Chinese government’s propaganda war.

Are Australians Buying Chinese Goods Produced With Forced Labor?
By Joshua Mcdonald
After recent reports laid out evidence that Uyghurs were being sent to work in factories around China after detention, Australian governments are reviewing some contracts.

Pelosi: US Risks Losing Moral Authority With Silence on Xinjiang
By Catherine Putz
Speaking at the U.S. Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom, Pelosi said Chen Quanguo should be subject to Global Magnitsky sanctions.

Why Would China Help Build an Afghan Military Base in Badakhshan?
By Catherine Putz
According to regional reports, China is set to build an Afghan military outpost in Badakhshan.

The Human Costs of Controlling Xinjiang
By Zachary Torrey
Beijing has strong incentives to exert control in Xinjiang. The Uyghurs pay the price.

China in the Middle East: The Iraqi Kurdish Question
By Samuel Ramani
While Beijing’s opposition to separatist movements remains solid, it could nonetheless benefit from the secession of Iraqi Kurdistan.

Why is China Banning Baby Names and Beards in Xinjiang?
By Peter Irwin
Crucial to understanding China’s recent moves in the region is a piece of legislation that quietly took effect on April 1.

What's Are China's Stakes in Syria?
By Uran Botobekov
The presence and activity of Uyghurs in the Turkestan Islamic Party in Syria draws Beijing's attention to the Middle East

Al-Qaeda, the Turkestan Islamic Party, and the Bishkek Chinese Embassy Bombing
By Uran Botobekov
The August 30 bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Bishkek came after al-Qaeda's leader praised Uyghur terrorists.

Criminal Gangs Selling Fake Kyrgyz Passports to China's Uyghurs
By Catherine Putz
Local media follow the story of faked travel documents to Osh.

The Complex Impact of Urbanization in Xinjiang
By Wade Shepard
There’s a logic to China’s urbanization scheme, but its social and cultural impacts are complex.
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