Uyghurs in China

Sheena Greitens on Understanding China’s Policies in Xinjiang
By Ankit Panda
How “war on terror” rhetoric contributed to the repression of Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities in China.

What Happens When the Uyghurs Come Home?
By Ruth Ingram
Social media is starting to convey some signs of life from Xinjiang’s disappeared.

Trump’s Devastating Silence on China’s Human Rights Abuses
By Naz El-Khatib and Ashley Wood
Trump’s obsession with “strength” at the expense of human rights has been a defining feature of his views on China.

China’s Effort to Silence the Sound of Uyghur
By Rustem Shir
A key part of China's campaign against Uyghur identity is a crackdown on the Uyghur language.

Taiwan Voices Support for Uyghurs in China
By Wen Lii
The human rights crisis in Xinjiang foreshadows Taiwan’s future under PRC control, and the island knows it.

The Dragon and the Kiwi: New Zealand’s Ardern in China
By Eleanor Albert
Can New Zealand's model for China relations survive recent frictions?

Even China’s ‘Model’ Uyghurs Aren’t Safe
By Kelly Ng
Uyghurs who have tried hard to assimilate into the majority Han Chinese culture have not been spared from detention.

The World Must Save the Uyghurs
By Benedict Rogers
Long-standing repression of the Uyghur culture has reached stunning new lows. What happened to “Never again”?

Why Is Turkey Breaking Its Silence on China’s Uyghurs?
By Shannon Tiezzi
Anger at home has finally forced Ankara to break with its enthusiastic embrace of Beijing.

Are Indonesia and Malaysia Ready to Stand up for China’s Muslims?
By Nithin Coca
The two Southeast Asian states might be the best hope for pressure from the Islamic world.

The Muslim World Remains Largely Mute on Uyghurs’ Plight
By Samira Alim
Economic ties to Beijing and domestic rights abuses have kept most states from speaking out.

Adrian Zenz on China's Xinjiang Re-Education Campaign
By Shannon Tiezzi
“Uyghurs are being intimidated to the extent that they won’t even dream of disobeying the Party.”