
Uzbekistan-Taliban relations

US Transferring Afghan Aircraft to Uzbek Control

US Transferring Afghan Aircraft to Uzbek Control

By Catherine Putz
The ultimate fate of the 46 Afghan aircraft that fled the country and landed in Uzbekistan as the Republic collapsed in 2021 isn’t surprising, but the Taliban remain steadfast in opposition. 
Trade and Transit Top Agenda as Uzbek Delegation Visits Afghanistan

Trade and Transit Top Agenda as Uzbek Delegation Visits Afghanistan

By Catherine Putz
A large Uzbek delegation visited Kabul over the weekend, with trade and transit issues under discussion.

The Taliban and Central Asia

The Taliban and Central Asia

By Jennifer Brick Murtazashvili
Although the relationship between Afghanistan and Central Asia started with confrontation and confusion, it has evolved into a cooperation based on shared norms.

The Cost of Uzbekistan’s ‘Pragmatic’ Taliban Policy

The Cost of Uzbekistan’s ‘Pragmatic’ Taliban Policy

By Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
Tashkent’s approach to the Taliban has shifted over the years, with the latest swing moving it toward more direct engagement.

The Taliban’s New Canal Threatens Water Security in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan

The Taliban’s New Canal Threatens Water Security in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan

By Niginakhon Saida
As the Taliban rush to complete the Qosh Tepa canal, Central Asia’s water security is at risk.
Taliban’s Diplomatic Presence Growing in Central Asia

Taliban’s Diplomatic Presence Growing in Central Asia

By Catherine Putz
The Taliban have gained access to some of the erstwhile Afghan Republic's embassies and consulates in Central Asia. The consulate in Tajikistan's Khorog may be the latest.

Taliban Again Demands Return of Afghan Aircraft in Central Asia

Taliban Again Demands Return of Afghan Aircraft in Central Asia

By Catherine Putz
The U.S. position on the matter hasn't budged: Afghan aircraft outside the country are unlikely to be flown back into Taliban hands.
What Are the Implications of Uzbekistan’s Rapprochement With the Taliban?

What Are the Implications of Uzbekistan’s Rapprochement With the Taliban?

By Akram Umarov and Jennifer Brick Murtazashvili
Tashkent has sought to serve as a broker between the Taliban and the world to keep Afghanistan on the global agenda.

Can the Taliban Actually Prevent Attacks Launched From Afghan Soil?

Can the Taliban Actually Prevent Attacks Launched From Afghan Soil?

By Catherine Putz
The Taliban promised, again, that Afghan soil would not be used to threaten the security of neighboring countries a day after five rockets landed in an Uzbek border town.

Tajikistan and Uzbekistan Take Different Approaches to Afghanistan

Tajikistan and Uzbekistan Take Different Approaches to Afghanistan

By Umida Hashimova
In dealing with the situation in Afghanistan, Dushanbe and Tashkent have taken different approaches toward dealing with a Taliban-ruled country.

Afghan Forces Flee, Fly, to Central Asia

Afghan Forces Flee, Fly, to Central Asia

By Catherine Putz
How will Central Asian states handle Afghan government forces that have fled as the Taliban take control in Kabul?
Beyond the Intra-Afghan Talks, Uzbekistan Sees a Bright Future 

Beyond the Intra-Afghan Talks, Uzbekistan Sees a Bright Future 

By Umida Hashimova
The promise of peace in Afghanistan opens doors for Uzbekistan. 

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