Vietnam activists

One Year After Mother Mushroom’s Imprisonment, Signs of Hope in Vietnam
By Prachi Vidwans and Joy Park
Despite rising repression, the democratic awakening of the Vietnamese people continues.

Vietnam's Quiet Human Rights Crisis
By Bennett Murray
A dearth of coverage, competing global interests, and an omnipresent police state render violations largely unnoticed.

Vietnam’s Growing Environmental Activism
By Gary Sands
Another act of civil disobedience shows that ordinary Vietnamese are becoming more vocal.
Vietnamese Rapper Nah’s Not-So-Veiled Regime Critique
By Helen Clark
A rapper takes a verbal sledgehammer to life and the authorities in his native Vietnam.
Vietnamese Activists Get Three Years in Prison for ‘Obstructing Traffic’
By Mong Palatino
The country comes in for international criticism after cracking down on activists and their supporters.
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