
Vietnam environmental issues

Vietnam Arrests Another Environmentalist on Tax Evasion Charges

Vietnam Arrests Another Environmentalist on Tax Evasion Charges

By Sebastian Strangio
Hoang Thi Minh Hong is the fifth environmental activist to be arrested for evading taxes over the past two years.

Vietnam Imprisons Leading Environmentalist on Tax Evasion Charges

Vietnam Imprisons Leading Environmentalist on Tax Evasion Charges

By Sebastian Strangio
Nguy Thi Khanh, a recipient of the Goldman Environmental Prize, is the latest climate change activist to be jailed on tax-related charges.
With Growth of Coal Power Plants, Vietnam's Future Is Grim

With Growth of Coal Power Plants, Vietnam's Future Is Grim

By Viet Phuong Nguyen
Vietnam doubles down on coal-fired power plants, despite a recent study warning of the high environmental costs.

Farewell to Vo Quy, Vietnam's Hero of the Environment

Farewell to Vo Quy, Vietnam's Hero of the Environment

By Helen Clark
Professor Vo Quy was a legendary environmental activist in Vietnam.

Vietnam's Next Environmental Hotspot

Vietnam's Next Environmental Hotspot

By Nguyen Minh Quang
Less than a year after a major pollution crisis, trouble is brewing in the Mekong Delta.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Vietnam's Growing Protest Culture

Vietnam's Growing Protest Culture

By Arthur Beaufort
Vietnam's population is increasingly vocal about economic, political, and social issues, to the government's dismay.

It's Official: Formosa Subsidiary Caused Mass Fish Deaths in Vietnam

It's Official: Formosa Subsidiary Caused Mass Fish Deaths in Vietnam

By Shannon Tiezzi
Formosa Ha Tinh Steel Corp accepts the blame, and promises $500 million in compensation for the damage.
Can Vietnam's Tourism Industry Save the Environment?

Can Vietnam's Tourism Industry Save the Environment?

By Ai Vuong
Vietnam's most popular tourist attractions are being degraded. What can tour companies do to help?

Amid Fish Deaths, Social Media Comes Alive in Vietnam

Amid Fish Deaths, Social Media Comes Alive in Vietnam

By Thu Huong Le
Facebook is the platform of choice for activists organizing rallies in response to the latest environmental disaster.

Vietnam Fish Deaths Cast Suspicion on Formosa Steel Plant

Vietnam Fish Deaths Cast Suspicion on Formosa Steel Plant

By Linh Tong and Linh Tong

Vietnam: The Ha Long Bay Alliance

Vietnam: The Ha Long Bay Alliance

By Katie Jacobs
A new initiative takes on environmental issues at one of Vietnam’s most renowned travel destinations.
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