Vietnam history

Vietnam’s ‘Era of National Rise’ and the Risk of Imperial Overreach: Lessons from 1975
By Khang Vu
Despite its growing prosperity and ambition, the country still has to tread a careful line between larger regional and global powers.

The Battle of Dien Bien Phu and the French Colonial Legacy in Vietnam
By Buu Nguyen
Seven decades after the communist victory, memories have dimmed and the two nations have built a friendship atop the positive legacies of French rule.

Vietnam and the Art of Choosing
By Khang Vu
Far from "refusing to choose" in its foreign relations, the country has been canny at deciding when – and where – to partner with more powerful countries.

Did China Colonize Vietnam?
By Christelle Nguyen
Vietnamese often speak of a long history of domination at Chinese hands, while Chinese youths are taught that Vietnamese territory was previously part of China.

Remembering Vietnam’s Great Famine
By Christelle Nguyen
The 1945 famine has been fading into obscurity, despite its crucial role in the country’s independence fight.

Land Before Water: Why Vietnam’s Grand Strategy is Fundamentally Continental
By Khang Vu
Despite limited past operations in littoral waters, the country's strategic attention has been overwhelmingly directed at land-based threats.

How the Sino-Vietnamese War Was Purposefully Forgotten
By Christelle Nguyen
In both China and Vietnam, the governments have deliberately tried to bury memories of their 1979 war.

History Education and the Politics of Identity in a Globalizing Vietnam
By To Minh Son
Conservatives fear that a recent decision to make history a high school elective will erode the "national consciousness" of the young.

K-Dramas Resurrect Long-Buried Memories in Vietnam
By Travis Vincent
Obsessed with South Korean dramas, Vietnamese youths are oblivious to the atrocities committed by Korean soldiers during the Vietnam War. But their elders remember.

Why Won’t Vietnam Teach the History of the Sino-Vietnamese War?
By Travis Vincent
Vietnam is reluctant to include the 1979 conflict in history textbooks, continuing a decades-long silence.

Surviving Saigon in 1945 and a Dog Named Mephisto
By Luke Hunt
A conversation with author Thierry de Roland Peel.

Vietnam’s Invasion of Cambodia, Revisited
By Nayan Chanda
40 years after the invasion that toppled the Khmer Rouge, it’s clear China emerged the ultimate winner.
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