Vietnam-US relations

The US-Russia-Vietnam Triangle: Decoding Hanoi’s Strategic Balancing
By Huynh Tam Sang
Vietnam has struck a careful balance in its reaction to the Ukraine conflict. But how long can it avoid taking sides?

What’s in a Name: The Promise and Peril of a US-Vietnam ‘Strategic Partnership’
By Phuong Vu
Despite the growing depth and breadth of strategic ties between the two countries, Washington ranks surprisingly low in Hanoi's hierarchy of diplomatic designations.

US-Vietnam Relations in the Headlines with First Indo-Pacific Commander Visit
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The interaction spotlighted the ongoing activity in the defense relationship, both bilaterally as well as in the wider Indo-Pacific region.

8 Developments in US-Vietnam Relations Show Emerging Partnership
By Carl Thayer
US-Vietnam relations are neither an alliance nor a strategic partnership yet.

Vietnam’s Cam Ranh Bay Caught in US-Russia Crossfire
By Carl Thayer
How will Hanoi respond to U.S. pressure to curtail flights of Russian refueling aircraft out of Cam Ranh Bay?

Should the US Proliferate A2/AD in Asia?
By Robert Farley
The United States shouldn't rush into arming its allies with anti-access/area denial technologies.
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