Vietnam War

The Vietnam War’s Great Lie
By Luke Hunt
How the Communists and Pham Xuan An won the propaganda war.

The True Origin of the Term 'Viet Cong'
By Brett Reilly
Contrary to some histories, the term “Viet Cong,” like the war itself, was not a byproduct of the American presence in Vietnam.

The Vietnam War Spy Who Didn’t Love Us
By Shane Worrell
A new book sheds light on journalist and spy Pham Xuan An.

George Kennan’s Other Long Telegram — About the Far East
By Francis P. Sempa
The author of Cold War containment recommended U.S. retrenchment across the board in Asia.

What it Means to Be an Ally: A Vietnamese-American’s View on the US in the Vietnam War
By Tom Le
Strategic calculations can vary, but commitment to an ally must be steadfast.

Why Nerds Should Not Be in Charge of War
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Be wary of the national security generalist.

Why the US Must Forgive Cambodia's War Debt
By Ou Virak and Rupert Abbott
Two wrongs do not make a right.

Lee Kuan Yew’s Singapore Bloomed in the Shadow of the Cold War
By Wen-Qing Ngoei
Singapore's rise can't be separated from the context of the Cold War in Southeast Asia.

In Vietnam, the Ghost of Agent Orange Still Looms Large
By Lucy Ha
50 years after the herbicide was used by the U.S. during the Vietnam War, Agent Orange continues to wreak havoc.

Obama in Laos: Cleaning up After the Secret War
By Brett Dakin
Obama has an opportunity to address the past by stepping up U.S. efforts to remove unexploded ordnance in Laos.

Does Australia's War Memory Need a Rethink?
By Luke Hunt
A recent incident between Australia and Vietnam points to a broader problem.

How US Aerial Bombing During the Vietnam War Backfired
By Robert Farley
U.S. aerial bombs did little to further overall strategic objectives.