
Vladimir Putin

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New Momentum for India-Russia Relations?

New Momentum for India-Russia Relations?

By Sumit Kumar
In a state visit, Indian PM Narendra Modi gives the relationship a boost.
Top Chinese Military Official Seeks More Co-op With Russia

Top Chinese Military Official Seeks More Co-op With Russia

By Shannon Tiezzi
Plus, a manhunt in Xinjiang, the China-Nepal-India triangle, and sex ed in China. Friday China links.

The China-Russia-Mongolia Trilateral Gains Steam

The China-Russia-Mongolia Trilateral Gains Steam

By Bochen Han
The Asian trilateral no one talks about is seeing some interesting new developments.

Russia's New Wars: Why Is Putin Picking a Fight?

Russia's New Wars: Why Is Putin Picking a Fight?

By Matthew R. Costlow
The assertive Russian leader has laid out his intentions very clearly in his speeches. Will the world listen?

Sino-Russian Relations in the Arctic: Thawing Out or Freezing Up?

Sino-Russian Relations in the Arctic: Thawing Out or Freezing Up?

By Benjamin David Baker
China is increasing its presence in the Russian Arctic. What does Moscow really think about it?
Putin to Visit Tokyo as Japan, Russia Restart Peace Talks

Putin to Visit Tokyo as Japan, Russia Restart Peace Talks

By Shannon Tiezzi
An Abe-Putin meeting on the sidelines of the UNGA again raised hopes for a peace treaty between Japan and Russia.

Take Note, Putin: Kazakhstan Celebrates 550 Years of Statehood

By Casey Michel
Last year Putin commented that “Kazakhs had never had statehood” before 1991. Astana was not pleased.
China, Russia Hold Partnership Firm Amid Shaky Economics

China, Russia Hold Partnership Firm Amid Shaky Economics

By Shannon Tiezzi
Despite the questions surrounding their economic relationship, Putin and Xi put on a show of solidarity in Beijing.

A Cold Summer for China and Russia?

A Cold Summer for China and Russia?

By Gregory Shtraks
Political relations between the two giants remain warm, but economic ties appear to be cooling.

30 Heads of State Will Watch China’s Military Parade Next Week

30 Heads of State Will Watch China’s Military Parade Next Week

By Shannon Tiezzi
Countries in Africa, Central Asia, and Eastern Europe will be well-represented. Not so much Western Europe and the U.S.

What Countries Will March in China's WW2 Anniversary Military Parade?

What Countries Will March in China's WW2 Anniversary Military Parade?

By Shannon Tiezzi
Foreign troops have already started arriving in Beijing for the September 3 parade.
Russia’s Next-Generation Strategic Bomber Delayed

Russia’s Next-Generation Strategic Bomber Delayed

By Franz-Stefan Gady
However, Moscow still plans to expand its long range strategic bomber force over the next few years.

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