War in Afghanistan

Trump's US-Taliban Move Pushes Afghans Toward Fragile Vote
By Cara Anna
The September 28 election couldn’t happen at a more difficult time.

What the Apparent Collapse of Afghan Peace Talks Means for Pakistan
By Umair Jamal
How will Islamabad adapt to Trump’s latest sudden move?

Shattering Taliban Attack in Kabul Even as US Deal Nears
By Rahim Faiez and Cara Anna
The Taliban continue to kill Afghan civilians in attacks they say are meant for foreign "invaders.”

Khalilzad Hails 'Excellent Progress' in Talks With the Taliban
By Catherine Putz
Meanwhile, the UN mission in Afghanistan says civilian casualties spiked in July as violence continues.

Women Are Critical to Building a Lasting Peace in Afghanistan
By Ian J. Lynch
Women are critical to the everyday peacebuilding activities necessary to put any peace agreement into effective practice.

Mired in Poverty, Afghans Bring Their Children to Work
By Rahim Faiez
Despite billions in aid, Afghanistan remains trapped in poverty.

Pompeo Optimistic About Peace in Brief Visit to Afghanistan En Route to Asia
By Catherine Putz
Talking with the Taliban remains critical, but Pompeo’s optimism seems ungrounded,

US Exit Looms Over Afghanistan Peace Process
By Umair Jamal
With expectations of Washington’s exit, other domestic and international players are hedging and calibrating their positions accordingly.

Coping With War, Afghans Turn to Art and Books
By Ezzatullah Mehrdad
Dealing with decades of violence and war, Afghans turn to art and books to soothe their souls.

In ‘Memory Boxes,’ Afghans Memorialize Lives Lost to Violence
By Ezzatullah Mehrdad
A recently opened center in Kabul memorializes the victims of Afghanistan’s chronic state of war.

Taliban Declare Start of Spring Offensive Amid Talks With US
By Amir Shah
Even though Taliban attacks never quite ceased during the winter, the insurgent group made its annual spring announcement.

Why Is Zalmay Khalilzad Such a Controversial Figure in Afghanistan?
By Sayed Ziafatullah Saeedi
Khalilzad’s history is worth recounting, to give context to recent chafing at his tactics in pursuing peace.