Wilbur Ross

US Commerce Department Tightens China Export Controls on Military Use Concerns
By Ankit Panda
The new rule expands the scope of existing export restrictions to cover all military end-users in China.

US and Russia Watching Closely Uzbekistan’s Economic Choices
By Umida Hashimova
Tashkent is reopening its negotiations to join the WTO and considering Eurasian Economic Union membership. Russia and the West are watching.

US Commerce Secretary Praises Uzbekistan's Progress
By Catherine Putz
Secretary Wilbur Ross praised Uzbekistan's “democratic reforms,” but what he really meant was economic reforms.

Brace Yourselves: The US-China Trade War Is About to Begin
By Shannon Tiezzi
With less than 2 weeks before tariffs are rolled out, the latest effort at negotiations has come and gone.

Ahead of Trade Talks, Trump Slaps More Tariffs on China
By Charlotte Gao
“Tariffs or threat of tariffs are a very useful and powerful negotiation tactic,” as the AmCham China chair put it.

US-China Business Leaders Summit: A Talk That Didn’t Achieve Much?
By Charlotte Gao
It might be a show, but that is the goal.
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