
World War 2 70th anniversary 2015

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s Growing Pains

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s Growing Pains

By Richard Weitz
The euphoria of summer is bumping up against some tricky political realities.

Beijing: Xi Jinping Slams Japanese Aggression in Military Parade Speech

Beijing: Xi Jinping Slams Japanese Aggression in Military Parade Speech

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Chinese president engaged in anti-Japanese rhetoric in a speech commemorating the end of the Second World War.
Here's What You Need to Know About China’s Grand Military Parade

Here's What You Need to Know About China’s Grand Military Parade

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Beijing announced cuts of 300,000 troops while parading some of the deadliest missiles in the PLA's arsenal.

Revealed: China’s Secret Censorship Instructions for Its Military Parade

Revealed: China’s Secret Censorship Instructions for Its Military Parade

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Beijing threatens that violators of the guidelines will "be dealt with seriously."

Confirmed: South Korea's President Will Attend China's WW2 Anniversary Celebrations

Confirmed: South Korea's President Will Attend China's WW2 Anniversary Celebrations

By Shannon Tiezzi

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

How Japan's Emperor (Subtly) Criticized Shinzo Abe

How Japan's Emperor (Subtly) Criticized Shinzo Abe

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Japan's Emperor Akihito appears to be determined to remind his people of the horrors of World War II.

Why You Should Listen to What Japan's Emperor Says on August 15

Why You Should Listen to What Japan's Emperor Says on August 15

By Yuki Tatsumi
What we will hear from Emperor Akihito on August 15 will be equally—if not more—important than the Abe Statement.
Atomic Remembrance and Japan's Security Reform Debate

Atomic Remembrance and Japan's Security Reform Debate

By Mina Pollmann
The 70th anniversary of the bombings at Hiroshima and Nagasaki is a focal point for opponents of defense reform.

Japan History Commission Acknowledges 'Aggression,' Lessons Learned from WW2

Japan History Commission Acknowledges 'Aggression,' Lessons Learned from WW2

By Yuki Tatsumi
The Kitaoka Commission report sets the tone for Abe’s World War II 70th anniversary statement.

Did China's Anti-Corruption Fight Give the US an Intelligence Windfall?

Did China's Anti-Corruption Fight Give the US an Intelligence Windfall?

By Shannon Tiezzi
Ling Wancheng, the South China Sea, and Japan's take on history. Friday China links.

Abe’s 70th Anniversary Statement: What Should We Expect?

Abe’s 70th Anniversary Statement: What Should We Expect?

By Yuki Tatsumi
The content of Abe's statement will depend on what sort of audience he has in mind.

China: Japan Security Legislation a ‘Nightmare Scenario’

By Shannon Tiezzi
Beijing has reacted with predictable breathlessness to the passage of new security legislation in Tokyo.

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