
World War II

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Five Things Japan Could Have Done to Beat America

Five Things Japan Could Have Done to Beat America

Could Japan have followed a different path during World War II and defeated America?

Top 5 Naval Battles of the Asia-Pacific

Top 5 Naval Battles of the Asia-Pacific

By James R. Holmes
The Asia-Pacific has certainly seen its share of battles. Which one do you think will take the top spot?

Japan's COIN Experience

Japan's COIN Experience

Japan’s World War II experience with counterinsurgency or COIN is a horrific tale that offers painful historical lessons.

World War II: No Model for Contemporary U.S. Strategy

World War II: No Model for Contemporary U.S. Strategy

“If the United States wants to remain a balancer in Eurasia, better to do it from forward staging bases…”

Hemingway's Naval Adventures

Hemingway's Naval Adventures

Literary figures have made a point of taking part in great events. They also remind us that there are many ways to organize navies.

A Higher Call: History with a Purpose

A Higher Call: History with a Purpose

A new book asks a straight forward question: can decent men fight on both sides of a bad war?

Thunder Below!

“The engine’s boilers blew, wreckage flew two hundred feet in the air in a flash of flame and smoke…”

The Nightmare Scenario: A U.S.-China War: Part III

The Nightmare Scenario: A U.S.-China War: Part III

U.S. commanders should be narrow-minded when plotting a Pacific offensive (in geospatial terms, anyway).

John Wayne, The U.S. Navy and 'Change'

John Wayne, The U.S. Navy and 'Change'

Can ‘The Duke” teach a lesson or two when it comes to dealing with radical change and defeat? Perhaps.

The Forgotten Soviet-Japanese War of 1939

The Forgotten Soviet-Japanese War of 1939

From May to September 1939, the USSR and Japan fought an undeclared war involving over 100,000 troops. It may have altered world history.

America’s Southward-Looking Mental Map

America’s Southward-Looking Mental Map

How an artificial waterway reoriented a nation’s worldview, foreign policy, and maritime strategy.

The West’s First War with China

China has a long and impressive tradition of warcraft. Studying it properly would do the West a world of good.

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