World War II
Top 5 Naval Battles of the Asia-Pacific
By James R. Holmes
Japan's COIN Experience
Japan’s World War II experience with counterinsurgency or COIN is a horrific tale that offers painful historical lessons.
World War II: No Model for Contemporary U.S. Strategy
“If the United States wants to remain a balancer in Eurasia, better to do it from forward staging bases…”
Hemingway's Naval Adventures
Literary figures have made a point of taking part in great events. They also remind us that there are many ways to organize navies.
A Higher Call: History with a Purpose
A new book asks a straight forward question: can decent men fight on both sides of a bad war?
Thunder Below!
“The engine’s boilers blew, wreckage flew two hundred feet in the air in a flash of flame and smoke…”
The Nightmare Scenario: A U.S.-China War: Part III
U.S. commanders should be narrow-minded when plotting a Pacific offensive (in geospatial terms, anyway).
John Wayne, The U.S. Navy and 'Change'
Can ‘The Duke” teach a lesson or two when it comes to dealing with radical change and defeat? Perhaps.
The Forgotten Soviet-Japanese War of 1939
From May to September 1939, the USSR and Japan fought an undeclared war involving over 100,000 troops. It may have altered world history.
America’s Southward-Looking Mental Map
How an artificial waterway reoriented a nation’s worldview, foreign policy, and maritime strategy.
The West’s First War with China
China has a long and impressive tradition of warcraft. Studying it properly would do the West a world of good.
The West’s First War with China
China has a long and impressive tradition of warcraft. Studying it properly would do the West a world of good.