
Xinjiang camps

The Uyghurs: Kashgar Before the Catastrophe

The Uyghurs: Kashgar Before the Catastrophe

By Robert Gerhardt
What has been erased cannot be replaced, but Kevin Bubriski’s 1998 photographs can help us remember what once was in Xinjiang.

China’s Unjust Life Sentence for Uyghur Scholar Rahile Dawut Is a Tragic Loss for Humanity

China’s Unjust Life Sentence for Uyghur Scholar Rahile Dawut Is a Tragic Loss for Humanity

By Omer Kanat
Rahile's imprisonment represents not only a personal tragedy but also a broader assault on Uyghur culture and identity.
As Survivors of China’s Genocide, We Must Bear Witness 

As Survivors of China’s Genocide, We Must Bear Witness 

By Gulbahar Haitiwaji and Qelbinur Sidik
“We were in the camps, and now we are in the United States to tell you about China's crimes.”

The World Has Not Learnt the Lessons of the Tiananmen Square Massacre

The World Has Not Learnt the Lessons of the Tiananmen Square Massacre

By Wu’er Kaixi and Rahima Mahmut
Instead, while the world slept, Chinese authoritarianism metastasized.

Darren Byler on Life in Xinjiang, ‘China’s High-Tech Penal Colony’

Darren Byler on Life in Xinjiang, ‘China’s High-Tech Penal Colony’

By Shannon Tiezzi
“The mass surveillance and internment project in Xinjiang should be viewed as a major test of Chinese capacities to conduct a sophisticated invasion, occupation, and transformation of spaces that were at the margins of Chinese control.”

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Ahead of CCP Anniversary, Kazakh Activists Protesting China’s Xinjiang Policies Detained

Ahead of CCP Anniversary, Kazakh Activists Protesting China’s Xinjiang Policies Detained

By Catherine Putz
Several activists well-known for picketing the Chinese consulate in Almaty have reportedly been detained in Kazakhstan.

Why Atajurt’s Brief YouTube Suspension Matters

Why Atajurt’s Brief YouTube Suspension Matters

By Colleen Wood
YouTube's temporary suspension of a Kazakh human rights group’s channel highlights the risks of civil society's heavy reliance on the tech giants.
On Final Day in Office, Secretary Pompeo Declares China Has Committed ‘Genocide’

On Final Day in Office, Secretary Pompeo Declares China Has Committed ‘Genocide’

By Shannon Tiezzi
It will fall to the Biden administration to deal with the consequences of Pompeo’s statement on the crackdown in Xinjiang.

UN Working Group Finds Serikzhan Bilash’s Detention by Kazakhstan Arbitrary

UN Working Group Finds Serikzhan Bilash’s Detention by Kazakhstan Arbitrary

By Catherine Putz
Bilash headed a group advocating for greater attention to the ethnic Kazakhs detained in China’s camps in Xinjiang. It got him in trouble with the Kazakh government.

With New State Department Web Page, US Ramps up Emphasis on China’s Xinjiang Abuses

With New State Department Web Page, US Ramps up Emphasis on China’s Xinjiang Abuses

By Shannon Tiezzi
The U.S.-China battle of the narratives over Xinjiang continues to heat up.

Sean R. Roberts on China’s War on the Uyghurs

Sean R. Roberts on China’s War on the Uyghurs

By Catherine Putz
The Chinese Communist Party is “essentially waging a war against a portion of its own population (the Uyghur people), not as an ‘enemy,’ but as a ‘threat’ to society at large.”
Will the ILO Defend China’s Uyghurs?

Will the ILO Defend China’s Uyghurs?

By Andrew Samet
Uniquely of all U.N. agencies, the ILO has the capacity to act without consensus, or in this case agreement from China.

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