How Companies Can Rethink Asian Supply Chain Disruptions Amid COVID-19
By Ankit Panda
One of the major economic implications of COVID–19 concerns supply chain disruptions worldwide. How can businesses with Asian exposure cope with risks?

After COVID–19: Manufacturing India’s New Economic Potential
By Akshobh Giridharadas and Vaman Desai
The disruption from COVID-19 may offer India the opportunity to reinvent itself as a manufacturing powerhouse.

Pakistan’s New Midget Submarine: Emerging Challenge to India in the Arabian Sea
By Prakash Panneerselvam
What will Pakistan’s new indigenous midget submarine bring to its naval capabilities?

Greening the Nepali Financial Sector: Strike While the Iron Is Hot
By Prajwal Baral
Nepal's economic policy makers must seize the moment to prepare for a green revolution.

Offensive Cyber Capabilities and Public Health Intelligence: Vietnam, APT32, and COVID-19
By Ankit Panda
A suspected Vietnamese state-backed cyber campaign targeted Chinese health authorities.

A Diamond in the COVID–19 Rough? Taiwan Export Orders Surge in March
By Ankit Panda
What explains the March 2020 surge in Taiwan’s export orders?

Is Italy’s Economic Crisis an Opportunity for China?
By Valbona Zeneli and Michele Capriati
As Italy reels, Chinese companies might sense an opportunity to buy up more Italian brands on the cheap.

China Posts 6.8 Percent Q1 2020 GDP Contraction. Markets Don’t Flinch
By Ankit Panda
Was this historic Chinese economic contraction simply priced in -- or are expectations of a future rebound at play?

Anatomy of a North Korean Coal Smuggling Operation
By Project Sandstone
North Korea has adopted creative new ways to export coal and other commodities to fund its WMD and ballistic missile program.

COVID-19 in Asia: A Country-By-Country Guide
By Diplomat Risk Intelligence
The good, the bad, and the ugly of the coronavirus fallout for each government in East, Southeast, South, and Central Asia.

A Return to Form in North Korea?
By Ankit Panda
Kim Jong Un gets back to missile testing.

Peace Is Easier Said Than Done in Afghanistan
By Ankit Panda
The U.S.-Taliban ‘leap day’ deal is proving difficult to see through, even as the Afghan government tries to move forward.