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April 2014

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Japan, Mongolia Exchange Views on Regional Issues

Japan, Mongolia Exchange Views on Regional Issues

By Ankit Panda
Japan may be seeking Mongolia's help in approaching North Korea.
Remembering Hu Yaobang, China's Reformer

Remembering Hu Yaobang, China's Reformer

By Shannon Tiezzi
Plus, analysis of China's urbanization plan and Captain America in China. Friday China links.

Japan’s Former Miss International Called ‘Traitor’

Japan’s Former Miss International Called ‘Traitor’

By Han Zhang
Nationalists are outraged at the feminist’s comments on comfort women.

Amazon Smartphone Rumor Roundup

Amazon Smartphone Rumor Roundup

By Vlad Andrici
A look at reports on Amazon’s plans for a smartphone offering.

China's Latest Porn Purge Underway

China's Latest Porn Purge Underway

By Tyler Roney
China's porn crackdowns leave major porn hubs unblocked while sites featuring user content face punishment.
China Slows – Will Asia Follow?

China Slows – Will Asia Follow?

By Anthony Fensom
As the region’s largest economy slows, what impact will it have on the rest of Asia?

Aceh’s Sharia Police Get Extended Powers

Aceh’s Sharia Police Get Extended Powers

By Rob Yates
Detention centers are being prepared to process those who fall foul of religious codes.
Leading the Way: Vietnam’s Push for Gay Rights

Leading the Way: Vietnam’s Push for Gay Rights

By David Mann
Is one of Asia’s most repressive states paving the way for gay marriage?

Interview: Adrian Levy

Interview: Adrian Levy

The Diplomat’s Gautham Ashok speaks with Adrian Levy, coauthor with Cathy Scott-Clark of The Siege: 68 Hours Inside the Taj Hotel.

How Long Can Narendra Modi Evade Questions?

How Long Can Narendra Modi Evade Questions?

By Sanjay Kumar
Never before has a prospective Indian Prime Minister polarized so many. Can Narendra Modi address his past?

Chinese Strategists Reflect on the First Sino-Japanese War

Chinese Strategists Reflect on the First Sino-Japanese War

By Shannon Tiezzi
A collection of essays on the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-95 has obvious implications for modern China.
Russia Accelerates Asia Pivot

Russia Accelerates Asia Pivot

By Zachary Keck
Putin has created a special economic zone in the Far East as part of a broader effort to boost ties to Asia.

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