
April 2018

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Kyrgyzstan: Power, Prime Ministers, and Power Plants

Kyrgyzstan: Power, Prime Ministers, and Power Plants

By Catherine Putz
In 2018, both the Bishkek power plant and the Atambayev-Jeenbekov relationship began malfunctioning.
DPRK-Linked Academic: Prepare for 'Sad' Conclusion to Abductee Issue

DPRK-Linked Academic: Prepare for 'Sad' Conclusion to Abductee Issue

By Daniel Hurst
A professor from Korea University sought to “convey the perspectives from Pyongyang” in a Tokyo press conference.

Filipino Women Confront the Latest Government Crackdown

Filipino Women Confront the Latest Government Crackdown

By Rosanna Langara
As the Duterte administration strives to silence them, women activists in the Philippines speak up.

Malaysia’s Elections and the Anti-Fake News Act

Malaysia’s Elections and the Anti-Fake News Act

By Gulizar Haciyakupoglu
How will the controversial new law affect the GE14 campaigns, and beyond?

Xi Doubles Down on China’s Cyber Goals and Semiconductor Plans

Xi Doubles Down on China’s Cyber Goals and Semiconductor Plans

By Jesse Heatley
China's president urges China to speed up its semiconductor strategy in the face of foreign pressure and growing tech demands.
How Do South Koreans View a Possible Peace Treaty With North Korea?

How Do South Koreans View a Possible Peace Treaty With North Korea?

By Junil Kim
A possible peace treaty is viewed favorably, but many remain skeptical of Pyeongyang.

What Does the Modi-Xi Summit Mean for Sino-Indian Relations?

What Does the Modi-Xi Summit Mean for Sino-Indian Relations?

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Though the interaction between the two leaders is notable, there is reason for skepticism and managing expectations.
G7 Foreign Ministers Issue Communique Addressing East & South China Seas, Connectivity, and More

G7 Foreign Ministers Issue Communique Addressing East & South China Seas, Connectivity, and More

By Ankit Panda
The statement takes aim at China without mentioning it by name.

Why the Kim-Moon Summit at Panmunjom Matters

Why the Kim-Moon Summit at Panmunjom Matters

By Ankit Panda
The summit between the two Koreas will set the tone for the Trump-Kim summit.

The South China Sea: Reality Is Slowly Sinking In

The South China Sea: Reality Is Slowly Sinking In

By Mark J. Valencia
It's finally clear that the United States is not willing to confront China in the disputed waters.

Sino-US Trade: The Battle for the Future

Sino-US Trade: The Battle for the Future

By Maurits Elen
UBS’ Paul Donovan explains how Asia’s trade model is beginning to lose sway.
The China – India – Nepal Triangle

The China – India – Nepal Triangle

By Kamal Dev Bhattarai
Will India agree to cooperate with China in Nepal's development?

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