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How Can China Fulfill Its Rising Meat Demand?

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How Can China Fulfill Its Rising Meat Demand?

Cultivated meat could be a possible solution to satisfy China’s heightened demand.

How Can China Fulfill Its Rising Meat Demand?
Credit: Pixabay

The demand for meat is growing globally, and China is the world’s largest future market for protein. Extensive research on consumer responses to cultivated meat has disproportionately been conducted in Western contexts, where attitudes toward eating, food safety, ethical consumption, and other factors differ substantially from those in East Asian countries. The wildlife trade and meat from animal farming have also become particularly salient topics with the spread of the novel coronavirus disease, COVID-19

To better understand rising meat consumption in China, The Diplomat spoke with Chloe Dempsey, a Yenching scholar and Cellular Agriculture Society Fellow exploring the future of the consumer market for cultivated meat in China.

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