
Dissident Myanmar Supermodel Granted Asylum in Canada
By Sebastian Strangio
The 23-year-old has vowed to “carry on the struggle for Myanmar” from abroad.

President Marcos’ Likely Foreign Policy Towards the Gulf States
By Asma Alkaabi and Alvin Camba
Good relations with the Middle East would support the Philippine leader's three main domestic policy priorities.

Resentment Is Rising Against China’s ‘Zero-COVID’ Policies
By Connie Mei Pickart
Public support is waning amid the new phase of heavy-handed enforcement.

Anti-Korean Sentiment Simmers in Japan
By Cristian Martini Grimaldi
Alongside rising tensions between their governments, ethnic Koreans living in Japan face daily discrimination and bullying.

Former Top Graft Buster at China’s Intelligence Ministry Indicted on Bribery Charges
By Associated Press
Liu Yanping is the latest in a series of high-level officials to fall before the upcoming Party Congress.

Sri Lanka’s Worrying Exodus
By Mahesh Gunasekara
The country has always has a sizable diaspora of migrant workers. But now many people are leaving not just to better themselves but out of sheer necessity.

Abe Shinzo and the North Korean Abduction Issue
By Thisanka Siripala
The former prime minister’s all-or-nothing approach may have stymied progress on the unresolved North Korean abductions of Japanese nationals.

Kyrgyz Journalist Bolot Temirov Acquitted of Drugs Charges, Released
By Catherine Putz
And so ends a prosecution that many human rights activists characterized as persecution.

North Korea Launches 2 Ballistic Missiles
By Mitch Shin
While South Korea and the United States are conducting joint military drills on the east coast of the Korean Peninsula, North Korea launched ballistic missiles in the same direction.

Military Helps With Rescue and Relief Efforts in Flood-Ravaged Pakistan
By Umair Jamal
As the country’s most efficient and well-resourced institution, the Pakistan Army is best positioned to carry out relief work on the scale warranted by the recent disaster.

The Difficult Path Toward De-escalation on the Kyrgyz-Tajik Border
By Catherine Putz
A protocol reportedly signed over the weekend would see both vacate four border posts each but is shadowed by domestic critiques in Kyrgyzstan and a lack of clarity in Tajikistan.

Containing China’s Maritime Power: A Question of Capability and Intent
By Paul D. Scott and Mark S. Cogan
China’s foreign policy assertiveness and the posturing of “wolf warrior diplomacy” have generated serious concerns about Beijing's intentions – especially at sea.