
Japan Officially Selects F-35B for Its STOVL Fighter
By Ankit Panda
The aircraft will eventually see action off refitted Izumo-class light carriers.

North Korea Continues 2019 Missile Test Flurry With New Short-Range Missile Launches
By Ankit Panda
The 6th test event since late-July included the second known launches of a new type of short-range missile.

Play The Diplomat’s Quiz: August 18, 2019, Edition
By Ankit Panda
Test your knowledge of the Asia-Pacific region with The Diplomat's weekly news quiz!

Indian Defense Minister: ‘Circumstances’ May Lead to Review of Nuclear ‘No First Use’ Policy
By Ankit Panda
Will India abandon its ‘no first use’ pledge?

How Will Hong Kong’s 2019 Pro-Democracy Protests End?
By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
The protest movement in Hong Kong continues amid concerns of a Chinese crackdown.

Understanding Civil-Military Relations and Anti-Submarine Warfare
By Robert Farley
Civil-military relations may explain the Chinese navy’s approach to anti-submarine warfare.

Decoding Australia’s Strange Silence Over China’s Transgressions in the South China Sea
By Tuan Anh Luc
What will it take for Canberra to pipe up?

Has Jamatul Mujahideen Bangladesh Put Down Roots in India’s Northeast?
By Rajeev Bhattacharyya
Transnational terror groups remain a challenge for India.

Did a Failure to Plan for Anti-Submarine Warfare Doom the Imperial Japanese Navy?
By Robert Farley
Anti-submarine warfare was a blind spot for Imperial Japan, with deadly results.

China’s Type 001A Carrier Continues Sea Trials Amid Possible Complications
By Ankit Panda
The Type 001A remains in trials.

Kim Jong Un Promotes Military Scientists After Missile Test Flurry
By Ankit Panda
North Korea’s commitment to its indigenous weapons programs remains strong.

After Article 370, Will Transnational Terrorist Organizations Look to Kashmir for Permanent War?
By Umair Jamal
Transnational extremist groups may become the next reason for escalation between India and Pakistan.