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Bansari Kamdar

Bansari Kamdar

Bansari Kamdar is a Boston-based multimedia journalist and researcher.

Bansari Kamdar is a Boston-based multimedia journalist and researcher. She is currently pursuing a post-graduate degree in Applied Economics and has an MA from Boston University in International Relations. Kamdar writes on the intersection of gender, security and political economy in South Asia. Her work has appeared in The Wire, The Quint, CNN-News18, and other outlets. She has also worked on news packages and audience engagement for WCVB-TV and FRONTLINE PBS and produced a podcast on a global development policy.

Follow her on Twitter at @bansarikamdar.

Posts by Bansari Kamdar
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November 18, 2020

Rape Cases Surge in Nepal, Activists Question Death Penalty

By Bansari Kamdar
While awareness about sexual violence in Nepal has increased, activists still face an uphill battle.
November 02, 2020

India’s Women Bear the Burden of Unpaid Work – With Costs to Themselves and the Economy

By Bansari Kamdar
The country’s first time use survey reveal disturbing patterns when it comes to women and daily paid work.

September 25, 2020

Women in Sri Lanka Make up 56% of Voters, But Only 5% of Legislators

By Bansari Kamdar
Money, pedigree, sexism and social norms keep Sri Lanka’s largest electorate – the country’s women – out of politics.

September 10, 2020

India’s Rich Prosper During the Pandemic While Its Poor Stand Precariously at the Edge

By Bansari Kamdar
COVID-19 is increasing India’s economic inequality – which was very high even before the pandemic.

August 19, 2020

Facebook’s Problematic History in South Asia

By Bansari Kamdar
The popular social media platform has been used to incite violence against Rohingyas in Myanmar and riots in Sri Lanka and India.
August 17, 2020

In India, a Man Can Still Legally Rape His Wife

By Bansari Kamdar
Marital rape, colonial hangover, and patriarchal impunity 73 years later.

July 31, 2020

Women Left Behind: India’s Falling Female Labor Participation

By Bansari Kamdar
India’s female labor force participation is the lowest in South Asia.
July 20, 2020

Absentee Ballots? Re-enfranchising India’s Migrant Workers

By Bansari Kamdar
As India’s internal migrant workers return to cities desperate for work, without a change in policy they could be left out of important upcoming elections.

June 16, 2020

Addressing Race in India and Abroad: Colorism, Surveillance, and Reckoning With Police Impunity

By Bansari Kamdar
Indians abroad are weighing in whether to attend the Black Lives Matter protests in the U.S.

May 29, 2020

COVID-19 and Shrinking Press Freedom in India

By Bansari Kamdar
Amid the pandemic, India’s crackdown on press freedom continues unabated.

April 27, 2020

India’s COVID–19 Gender Blind Spot

By Bansari Kamdar
India’s women stand to lose from the country‘s COVID–19 policies in many ways.
March 23, 2020

Can a Global Pandemic Resuscitate SAARC?

By Bansari Kamdar
SAARC has been reactivated as South Asia braces for the worst of COVID–19.

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